Southeastern Community College is partnering with Columbus County high schools to host the first ever Construction Summer Camp.
This free hands-on program will provide industry skills in carpentry, blueprint reading, electrical, and HVACR. Guest speakers from construction businesses will address students at the camp to help give them a better understanding about the trade.
The program is funded through a special federal grant that was awarded to Columbus County Schools to boost interest and participation in Career and Technical Education (CTE). The purpose is to expose teenagers to skills in build learning opportunities and provide ways to earn credentials for future employment. After the completion of the camp, attendees will receive high school class credits and earn college credits towards an Introduction to Facilities Maintenance Certificate. The partnership between the college and county schools allows the facilities to begin structuring a pipeline of future employees for the construction industry.
“We are excited about our partnership with SCC in fulfilling this opportunity for all students at Columbus County Schools,” said Director of Federal Programs and CTE Tom Mclam. “There are needs in our local workforce that can benefit from programs like this, and we look forward to continuing partnerships with SCC to make these possibilities become realities.”
The camp is scheduled to begin on June 13 and run through July 27. Students will meet Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Those interested can register early or find out more information about the program by contacting SCC Advisor Natalie Freeman at 910.788.6285.