A Winter Wonderland in Whiteville
A look at Downtown Whiteville tonight by CCN’s Chief Meteorologist and Photographer Christopher Cawley.
A look at Downtown Whiteville tonight by CCN’s Chief Meteorologist and Photographer Christopher Cawley.
It’s that time of year, again: bears are seeking places for long winter naps, and sometimes they find human habitation rather inviting. The Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) advises the public that black bears in North [Read More]
The Lake Waccamaw State Park will hold its annual First Day hike on New Years Day from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Meet at the visitors center and enjoy a one and a half mile [Read More]
Hunting season is in for most waterfowl, and the Wildlife Commission is urging duck hunters to wear proper water safety equipment. Hypothermia is one of the top causes of death nationally for waterfowl hunters, along [Read More]
Boondocks Adventure Farm’s “Christmas in the Boondocks” made its seasonal debut over the weekend in Nakina. It’s a one-of-a-kind Holiday Lights and Entertainment Show that takes place from 5pm -10pm every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday [Read More]
Courtesy N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. A manatee has been successfully rescued from a Tar River canal in Greenville in Pitt County. It is the first documented case of a manatee being rescued in North Carolina. The [Read More]
The N.C. Forest Service is offering a 20 percent discount on tree seedling orders placed by active, honorably discharged or retired military personnel throughout November. The discount applies to the first $500 of all new [Read More]
The changing weather is leading to changing habits in two wild species in our area – whitetail deer and coyotes. Deer are in the early stages of breeding season right now, which means bucks are [Read More]
Transformation Church hosts their turkey shoot every Friday and Saturday night at 6 p.m. at 9955 James B. White Highway South. Hot dogs and drinks will be available. Cost is five dollars per shot, [Read More]
Almost every evening, I get home, change shoes, toss my necktie and sigh. My bride brings me a cup of coffee or a glass of tea, I mess with the dogs, she starts supper, and [Read More]
This weekend is the 51st annual Waccamaw Siouan POW Wow at the tribal grounds. Events start today and continue through Saturday night. There will be traditional dancing and dance competitions, food, native vendors, music and [Read More]
Conventional deer season opens in Columbus County and across the southeast Saturday. All deer hunters must wear a hat, cap or other outer garment of safety orange at all times. Baiting is allowed for deer, [Read More]
September and October are often big times for cleaning yards, especially after storms, and cleaning up can often mean finding copperhead snakes. The venomous snakes are native throughout the state, form the salt marshes to [Read More]
On this Edition of The Columbus Connection, Jefferson has in studio guests Morgan Hayes & Tyler Hodge of the Beaver Committee of Columbus County. The Columbus Connection is Brought to You in Part by NIEMAN [Read More]
After 34 years of service to the state of North Carolina, Cameron Ingram, executive director of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), has announced his retirement effective Dec. 31. Ingram has served as NCWRC executive [Read More]
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) will hold a virtual second public hearing Sept. 18 to review rules about changes for boaters at White Lake. At its July business meeting the WRC adopted an emergency, [Read More]
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