The Summer has flown by and it is already time for another FURR JAM… Bring your chairs, snacks and beverages for an outdoor Fundraising Concert Benefit for; local non-profits SOAR Southport Oak Island Animal Rescue [Read More]
See flyer for full details On September 10th, Sgt. C. Arnold suffered a major medical emergency while responding to a call while on duty. Sgt. Arnold was transported to Columbus Regional where he was diagnosed [Read More]
The Columbus County Partnership for Children (Smart Start) will be hosting 4th Annual Champions for Children Golf Fundraiser Friday, September 27, 2024, at Vineland Golf Course located at 2333 James B White Hwy N, Whiteville, [Read More]
Community Yard Sale Saturday September 28, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Garrell Depot, Tabor City SEE FLYER FOR FULL DETAILS - BRING THE FAMILY!!!
September 28, 2024 Welcome PFWB Church Faith in Motion: Car, Tractor, and Praise Extravaganza 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Columbus County Veterans Memorial Park 6354 James B. White Highway, Whiteville Car and Tractor Show, entry [Read More]
Join us for this fundraiser on October 5th @ 10:30 a.m. and the cost is $200 per shooter and lunch will be provided. Funds raised will be applied to the Veterans Memorial Park of America's [Read More]
Law Enforcement Basketball Tournament - Fundraiser Bladen County Law Enforcement Vs. Columbus County Law Enforcement All proceeds go toward the ANGEL TREE PROGRAM See Flyer For More Details