Pork Chop Plate Sale – New Life Community Church

May 10 - pork chop plate sale New Life Community Church 107 MAULTSBY STREET, WHITEVILLE $10.00 per plate. These are always delicious! Will deliver for 10+ plates Contact church for more information


Spring Rally – 2024 Bike Week

BIKE WEEK Here's a list of vendors we have attending so far at our annual Spring Rally Event 2024: ????VENDORS???? -Mustang Seats -Wide Open Customs -Letterfly Pinstriping -MotoShows Event Apparel -Just A Little Bling Boutique [Read More]

Classy Cars & Country Cooking

The Classy Cars and Country Cooking Car show and food truck rodeo 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. on May 11 to benefit the programs of care at BGHNC. Interested in being a food truck vendor? [Read More]

Laser Queen – Laser Light Show – Sunset Beach

Every Saturday evening at 7 p.m. through 5/26, savor a stunning laser light display featuring songs from one of the most legendary rock artists of all time  Queen! The setlist includes We Will Rock You, [Read More]

MUSIC in the ALLEY -Whiteville

Free Event – The alley is located off Madison Street beside Collier’s Jewelers. Admission is free, and snacks and drinks will be for sale.


Blood Drive – Whiteville

Whiteville Police Department is hosting a blood drive on May 17th at Vineland Station! Make an appointment today to save a life!

Milliken’s Flea Market- Shallotte

Looking for weekend plans? We are excited to announce our newest Summer Series - Milliken's Flea Market! We will be welcoming business vendors to set up every Friday through Sunday for our guests to shop [Read More]