
Covell Jones

By Rev. Phil Richards
Smyrna Baptist Church,
4924 Peacock Rd., Whiteville

Every day God blesses us with 86,400 seconds to live. This is an allotment of time that God has given each of us to use…and when it is gone you cannot get it back. The 1440 minutes, each day, is time that can’t be carried over to the next day; it can’t be subtracted from Friday and added to Saturday. But most importantly, it is time that God has given each of us to live with purpose and intentionality.

Each day, that God blesses us with, is a gift; a gift we can waste or a gift we can cherish and use wisely.

Truth be told, most people simply go through life. Many people wake up and go through the motions of living but never truly experience life to its fullest… never really living with that purpose and intentionality that God desires us to live.

Each day is an opportunity. Each moment of every day is a chance to make a difference; to make a difference in the lives of our family, our friends, our neighbors, our community, and our world. What we do with this time is totally up to us.

We spend a lot of time simply doing nothing of lasting value. Just think of how much time we waste on social media? How much time do we waste watching TV? How many opportunities have been lost simply to wasted time?

But what if, we began living life for what matters most? What if, we truly began each day living with intentionality? What if, instead of waking up to Facebook we began spending our time reading the Word of God? What if, instead of wasting time supporting Hollywood and the NFL we began telling others about Jesus? What if, we were more concerned with spending time with family and friends than we were with Instagram and Twitter? What if we truly began living our lives with our eyes wide open… truly living each day as if it were your last? One day it will be.

God has given you 24 hours, today! You’ve only got one shot! How will you use it?

Smyrna Baptist Church holds services at 11 a.m. every Sunday.

About Jefferson Weaver 2394 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at jeffersonweaver@ColumbusCountyNews.com.