The increased spread of COVID-19 in Columbus County has caused Columbus Regional to activate its surge plan.
“We’ve had our surge plan in place for months. We were hopeful we wouldn’t have to use it. However, here we are and I’m just thankful we have the capacity to make more room to treat those in need of inpatient care”, said John Young, CRHS CEO.

In a press release Thursday (today), Young said the hospital updating unused, licensed bed space to provide patient care. All patient care is taking place in traditional, licensed care settings, he said.
Young stressed that the community has a role in preventing the spread of the virus. CRHS launched its #maskupcolumbus effort recently to encourage safe practices.
“The safety of our patients, teammates, and our community is the top priority,” he said. “Our teammates are dedicated to providing excellent care to those who need it, but we need your help.”
“We urge everyone in our community to do what you can to slow the spread of COVID-19 — wear a mask. Stay six feet away from those you do not live with. Wash your hands frequently. Follow the state guidelines for indoor and outdoor gatherings.
“If and when you are eligible, we highly recommend getting COVID-19 vaccine.”
“Our employees are not immune to this virus, and we need them here and healthy to be able to care for our community members. We are asking everyone to do your part to keep each other safe,” said Jason Beck, CRHS COO.
The hospital regularly posts information at http://www.crhealthcare.org/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/and has new updates on its Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CRHealthcare.