Golf carts ‘Cruise for a Cause’ at Lake

A woman wearing a pink outfit

Folks in Lake Waccamaw and surrounding communities came out to participate in the 2021 Cruise for the Cause Golf Cart Parade Sunday (today). This year’s proceeds went to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation, and both spectators and participants also donated to the local Food Ministry. 

This year’s turnout had more than 60 participants, and golf carts were shrouded in either pink, or red, white, and blue for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. The Pink Heals fire truck was also in attendance, driven by North Myrtle Beach Fire Chief Travis Causey.  The famous pink first response vehicle carried Ms. Diane Edmund, daughter Jennifer Hackney, and other beloved breast cancer survivors. 

Lake Waccamaw Police got in on the action and lead the parade with an alligator  on the hood of the squad car, while Lake Waccamaw Fire brought up the rear with sirens and flashers to signal the end of the line.

The parade began on Columbia Avenue next to Brinkley Park, traveled down Lake Shore Drive by Premier Living and Rehab Center, and continued onto Canal Cove Road. It ended at the One Stop Convenience Store, where the live band Toby and the Box Turtles awaited participants and spectators.

 The event also featured a contest for best decorated golf cart. Mayor Daniel Hilburn, Rev. Dave Heller, and firefighter Mike Fishburn said it took much deliberation to decide on a winner, but after several meetings of the minds, it was decided that the Gator Bay Boat Company would take home the prize. Second place was awarded to the Mamma Mobile, and third place went to the Pink Beast. The prize was a $100 in which the winner immediately donated back to The National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation. 

Hilburn called the breast cancer survivors to the front of the crowd and praised them for their courage while fighting the deadly disease. “This day was about you ladies.” said Hilburn. He also brought the planning committee to the front and thanked them for all they did to make the benefit possible.

Plans are already being made for 2022 Cruise for the Cause, and participants can’t wait to see what theme the next year holds. 

About Jefferson Weaver 2677 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at