The Good News for the week of May 22-29

Columbus County News is proud to announce two new members of the CCN family. Crystal Faircloth of Lake Waccamaw and Kandi Thompson of Tabor City will be covering local governments, human interest stories and other news in their communities. Both ladies are working moms with a love for their towns, and we’re proud to welcome them aboard.

Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue needs some volunteers over the next few weekends to help build habitats for some new residents — endangered wolves. No experience is necessary, but you do need to call the rescue first. The rescue is located at 658 Main Street in downtown Fair Bluff. Call 840.1886 for more information.

Columbus County Animal Protective services is now offering rabies vaccinations on demand at the shelter. The vaccination is $8.25, and shots are administered between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Rabies shots are required by state law. Vaccinations will not be available during the shelter’s Saturday hours. Call 641.3945 for more information.

Our friends at Gurganus Feed and Grain in Whiteville have a special gift for anyone who adopts a pet from the shelter. Bring in your receipt from Columbus Animal protective services, and you’ll receive a free tag. Call them at 642.3064 for more information.

 And in one more shelter story – our buddy Poppy, who reads to shelter animals each week, presented a donation to the shelter today. Miss Poppy raised $50 at her very own booth during the recent Yam festival in Tabor City.

State wildlife officials have been at Lake Waccamaw all week catching, measuring and tagging alligators. Several area residents have had up close and personal – but safe – introductions to the trademark saurians. Gators are protected under state law, and the data being gathered will help determine when North Carolina will allow an alligator hunting season.

The Waccamaw Equestrian Series has started a new program for this season. The Summertime Trail Challenge Series at Lake Waccamaw Equestrian Center, 214 Bill Thompson Lane, Lake Waccamaw. Event dates are May 29-30, June 26-27, and July 10-11. The finale will be during the equestrian expo Aug. 27-29. There will be different skill, age and challenge levels, with winners in each division. Follow the Waccamaw Equestrian Series on Facebook for more details.

 If you have a church announcement, event, festival, family or nonprofit yard sale, or just a happy story you want to share with your neighbors, send it to us for THE GOOD NEWS. You can email, call 914.6056, or contact Columbus County News dot com on Facebook. This is Jefferson Weaver, hoping you have a great weekend.

About Jefferson Weaver 2672 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at