A plan is underway for a brand new playground in Tabor City as the town council have serious discussions about bringing a new opportunity to the community’s children.
Town Manager Al Leonard said a plot of land has been designated for a possible playground at the athletic complex in Tabor City, if they receive approval for the application applied for in May to the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF). The town has applied for a $1 million grant for the project.
As of now, there are two public playgrounds still open in Tabor City, one on Orange Street and another at Lake Tabor. Both playgrounds haven’t seen much care or upgrades in several years, making parents hesitant to take their kids. Broken or inadequate equipment, and missing sliding boards prompts parents to take their children to the neighboring towns to play, rather than their own community.

“We could definitely use something that is useful for all ages,” said Nicole Kelly, a local mother. “It’s just not enough and it’s geared more to the younger kids.”
“The winners (of funding) should be announced in October,” Al Leonard said. “The competition will be intense. Many more applicants apply for funds than they have money to award.”
If the application is approved, there will be a community effort put in place to do some planning for the future playground.