8 p.m. update: crews have called off the search for tonight. Efforts will begin again at 7 a.m. Sunday.
At least seven agencies and a helicopter are still searching for the man who disappeared on Lake Waccamaw Friday.
The man’s name and age have not been released by the State Parks, the agency in charge of the search. The victim was reportedly operating a jet ski pulling a tube with two children when he disappeared. The children swam to shore and called for help around 6 p.m.
Lake Waccamaw Police, Fire and Rescue, along with Acme-Delco-Riegelwood, Tabor City, the Sheriff’s Office and Wildlife Resources Commission are involved in the search, along with members of other departments . Efforts have turned to recovery, rather than rescue.
The N.C. Highway Patrol helicopter arrived around mid afternoon, after being delayed by severe weather.
Dive teams and cadaver dogs are searching offshore in the area of the 2000 block of Waccamaw Shores.
Both public boat landings were closed Saturday morning (today) to cut down on boat traffic during the search.
Columbus County News will bring you updates here as well as on the z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com Facebook page.