The Good News for Aug. 14-20

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Parents and students maybe gearing up for school this fall, but Columbus County is not without a work hard, play harder mentality for this season. With lots to see and do, folks around the community are  coming together for many great causes throughout the season. 

• This Saturday, Aug.14, Fair Bluff will be having their annual Watermelon Festival. Events begin at 7 a.m. with entries for the watermelon contest. A Walk-a-thon on the Riverwalk, sponsored by the Fair Bluff Chamber of Commerce, will begin at 9 a.m., and judging will take place at 10 a.m. The parade begins at 12:30 p.m., but that’s not all. There will be a hat contest, and a duck race sponsored by the Fair Bluff Rotary Club. The winners will be announced at 2:30 p.m. Go out and enjoy some family time this Saturday in Fair Bluff. 

• A countywide back to school time of prayer will be held at 3 p.m. at ALL public and private county schools on Aug.15. Students, parents, teachers and staff are welcome. Rev. Dave Heller and Rev. Willard McPherson organized the event. August 16 the First Day for Fall Semester at SCC will begin, and Aug. 23 will be the first day of school for all county schools. 

• Registration has begun for Take the Lake 2021. The event is free and will take place from Aug. 23 to Sept. 6. Take the Lake is an annual event at Lake Waccamaw that provides an opportunity to work toward your own personal fitness goals. The activities include walking, running, paddling, swimming, and biking. Due to Covid 19, Take the Lake will be held virtually again this year, but participants will be able to convert their own workout to miles and log them digitally. Tie dye t-shirts are on sale on the registration forum, and will support the Take the Lake event. Visit the website at

• The Greater Tabor City Chamber of Commerce will have their 75th Annual Banquet on Aug. 24. Doors will open at 6:15 p.m. The meal will take place at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting will begin at 7 p.m. The cost will be $25 per person. To reserve your seat, call the Chamber of Office at 910.377.3012 or 910.840.0292. The address for the event is 213 Hickman Rd., Tabor City. 

• The Southeastern Community Action Partnership wants to help individuals and their families who have been financially impacted by COVID-19. They provide assistance for overdue bills including utilities, rent, and mortgage. To find out more about the program, you can contact Sydney Davis at 910.885.3542 or go visit their webpage at

• Traxx Chic Vintiques will be having a community yard sale on Sept. 11, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. rain or shine. 10 x 15 foot spaces will be available to rent for $20, and there are currently 27 spots unclaimed. The location of the yard sale will be at 104 N. Elm St., Clarkton, across from Traxx Chic Vintiques. Call Megan Thompson at 910.876.3125 for more information. Venders and shoppers are welcome.

• The “Freedom Isn’t Free” 20th Anniversary remembrance will take place Sept. 11 in Elizabeth Brinkley Park in Lake Waccamaw starting at 8 a.m. This is a community event to remember and honor the fallen of Sept.11, 2001.

There will be entertainment throughout the day including a parade, 5K run, motorcycle run, and a ceremony with luminaries will take place that evening. There will be face painting, and an entertainment center for kids. Registration for the 5K run and motorcycle run will be from 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. 

• The Columbus County Board of Education will hold their next monthly meeting on Sept. 13 at 5:30 p.m. The location of the meeting will be announced on the Columbus County School’s Facebook page. 

• The Sparkle in September Live After Five will take place Sept. 16 from 6 – 9 p.m. in downtown Whiteville. The event will take place at Vineland Depot, and will feature The Pink Slips Band. 

If you are unable to attend, but would like to donate to the cause, you can make a check payable to Whiteville Improvement Fund, notate Celebrate the Holidays Downtown Whiteville on the memo line, and mail it to 601 South Madison Street, Whiteville, N.C. 28472. You can also give your donations to a committee member. 

• A fun-filled Women’s Adventure Day is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Oct. 9, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bummin’ Hole Lodge. The cost will be $10 per person, and ladies of all ages are invited to attend. There will many activities available to participate in including hatchet throwing, fishing, skeet shooting, archery, and pistol shooting. All equipment will be provided at the lodge except fishing poles and tackles. Bait will be provided on site. 

There will also will be door prizes, give-a-ways, and a tremendous day of fun and fellowship. Tammy Weeks will be the guest speaker. Sign up for the Women’s Adventure Day by calling the Columbus Baptist Association at 910.642.2155. Spots are filling up for the event so call and reserve yours before the Oct. 1 deadline. The Bummin’ Hole Lodge is located at 318 Home Harrelson Rd., Whiteville. 

• Residents will have a new place to dump tree limbs and yard debris at Lake Waccamaw. Bullfrog Bella will be open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m. to noon. They only accept vegetative debris, and no manmade lumber or building materials will be accepted. 

Candace Smith says that they plan to have green garden compost and other gardening essentials available at the site in the future. The site is located at 651 Ben Jones Rd., Lake Waccamaw. For more information and other pricing call 910.840.3534. 

The Columbus County Agricultural Fair dates are scheduled for Oct. 12-17. The COVID pandemic put a damper on things for last year’s fair, but staff are hopeful this year will go off without a hitch. They want the public to know they are working diligently to assure the safety of the public, and the safety of all the vendors, and midway personnel. 

The Good News is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the Good News tab at Email with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.

About Jefferson Weaver 2681 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at