Over the next couple of weeks, Columbus County will be jam-packed full of things for everyone to see and do. You can adopt a new friend, take advantage of a free health clinic, or you eat for a worthy cause.
• A Faith Over Fear Benefit bike ride, plate sale, and auction will take place this Saturday at 3715 US Highway 701 North, Elizabethtown. The benefit was organized for Christine Moody. Christine is a breast cancer survivor of 29 years, but in March she was diagnosed will Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that has spread throughout her body. She is a veteran planner who has helped plan benefits for others, and now she needs help paying for her own medical expenses.
Bike registration for the event will take place from 9- 10 a.m. The fee is $20 for single riders, and $25 for doubles. The cost of plates is $8 each and will include Boston butt, slaw, baked beans, dessert, and a drink. A 50/50 drawing and auction will take place after the bike ride. Contact Christie Merritt at 910.874.6720 for more information or to donate.

• The 2021 Clear the Shelter week is happening right now. The Columbus County Sheriff’s Animal Shelter will be picking an adoptable pet each day of the week, and posting their picture on the shelter’s Facebook page. Don’t shop – adopt your new best friend. Fees are $135 for dogs, $75 for female cats, and $55 for male cats. You can call 910.641.3945 for more information about animals at the shelter.

• On a brighter note, a five-week-old puppy was rescued by Renee Nealy from a cruel death. Ms. Nealy found three puppies in a ditch full of water, and rushed to save them.
Two of the furbabies didn’t make it, but the one that survived was taken to the vet and treated for worms and other issues. The puppy is on medication, but she now has a furever home with the Nealy family.
• There’s also a happy ending of the feline kind in Whiteville this week Good News. A kitten was rescued from a storm drain in front of Collier’s Jewelers on South Madison Street in Whiteville. Store employees, Public Works, Emergency Management, firefighters, and an animal rescue volunteer all pitched in to save the furry adventurer who was trapped in three inches of water. See the full story elsewhere on this page.

• If you’re in the Byrdville Road area, keep an eye out for Jessie Reese Malpass’ daughter and her lemonade stand. The little entrepreneur is selling lemonade to buy tack and equipment for her new pony.
• The Welcome Church Men’s Fellowship Annual Labor Day Chicken Fry will be Sept. 3 from 5-7 p.m.
Plates will include fried chicken, potato salad, green beans, roll, and dessert, and the cost is $8. There will be a drive thru pickup at 3104 Old Cribbtown Road, Chadbourn.
• Dove season opens on September 4. Hunters can purchase or renew their license and obtain their Federal Harvest Informational Program Certification online for immediate use in the field by visiting the NCWRC website at ncwildlife.org. Licenses can also be purchased by visiting a local wildlife service agent, or by calling 1.888.248.6834 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

• The 2021 North Carolina Honey Festival Charity Pancake Sale will take place at Central Missionary Baptist Church in Whiteville Sept. 7. The drive through and pick-up dinner will be from 5-7:30 p.m. Plates are $5, and all proceeds go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
• Columbus Regional will host a free skin screening clinic Sept. 11 from 8 a.m. until noon at Whiteville United Methodist Church on Pinckney Street. There will be a raffle as well as other activities. The clinic is hosted by the Columbus Regional Hospital in cooperation with Atlantic Dermatology, Donayre Cancer Center, Atrium Health, and the Levine Cancer Institute.

• The Freedom isn’t Free observance will be held Sept. 11 at Elizabeth Brinkley Park at Lake Waccamaw. The event is in part a Veterans Memorial Park fundraiser, but it’s primarily a daylong event recognizing the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. Activities include a 5k run, motorcycle ride, parade, children’s activities, and a candlelight vigil with speakers at sunset.
You can pick up a registration form for the 5K at the CCN offices at 1015 S. Madison in Whiteville. There’s more on this story at z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com for more details.
• The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.