The Good News for Oct. 2-8

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The Good News is brought to you by State Farm Insurance - Mary Williamson Agency

Cooler weather is finally rolling in for Columbus County, and there is so much to do this fall season. Halloween adventures, fairs, and festivals await citizens as leaves fall and pumpkins appear on front porches everywhere.  

The N.C. Yam Festival will be held Oct. 23 in Tabor City. The popular Taste of Tabor event will be Oct. 21. A lot of yam themed activities are on tap for the big weekend, including the parade at 10 a.m., street vendors and more. The Yam Festival Scholarship pageant is accepting applications through Monday. For all your yam festival news, go to

A season favorite of the spooky kind is set to open once again for the fall. Nightmares Haunted Trail located at 7027 Seven Creeks Highway in Nakina will open Oct. 17-18, 24-25, 29-31 and Nov. 1. You can come out and take a stroll through the madness from 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Tickets are $12. Eddie Munster himself, Butch Patrick, will be there Oct. 15-16 with the infamous Munster Koach. For more information, call 910.918.4966. 

The District 31 Haunted Trail 2021 will take place every weekend on Friday and Saturday nights beginning Oct. 1. Admission is $15 per person, and the trail is open from 7 p.m.-10 p.m.  Call 910.287.3030 or visit for more information. The event is hosted by Grissettown Longwood Fire and Rescue Department located at 758 Longwood Road in Ocean Isle Beach.  

Listen to Darrell Jackson every day from 12 p.m.-4 p.m. on WTXY Kool 103.9 FM for a chance to win two free tickets to the District 31 Haunted Trail. Wait for the prompt and be the correct number caller. The number to the studio is 910-378-1039. Call in for your chance to win! 

State Farm - Mary Williamson - Good News Banner

Deputy James Lennon of the Columbus County Sherriff’s Office received the Life Saving Award from his previous employment with Chadbourn Police Department. Deputy Lennon responded to an overdose call where he saved the individual’s life. Chadbourn Mayor Phillip Britt, and Interim Town Manager Jerome Chestnut presented the officer the award last week.  

The Columbus County Community Farmer’s Market will be open every Saturday from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. at 132 Government Complex Drive in Whiteville. Fall crops and crafts will be available for purchase, and the market will run through Dec. 4 this year. Support your local farmers this fall season.   

The Baptist Men of Nakina Baptist Church held a drive-thru chicken bog plate sale after worship service on Oct. 3 for Baby Samuel Williams. Donations and plate sales have totaled $11,000 so far to go to the parents to help with expenses. Call 910.499.1598 to see how you can help.

Lucy Byrd, Scott Moody, Greta Sellers, William Hinz and Thomas Riggins at the donations rive Friday. (Crystal Faircloth photo)
Lucy Byrd, Scott Moody, Greta Sellers, William Hinz and Thomas Riggins at the donations drive Friday. (Crystal Faircloth photo)

Whiteville Police Department will be hosting a donation drive for Families First through October. Items needed include personal hygiene products, household cleaning supplies, paper products, and non-perishable foods. For more information, call 642.5111. 

  State officials said more than 10 million pounds of trash has been gathered by contractors and volunteers this year, breaking last year’s record. More than 418,000 pounds was gathered during the Fall Litter Sweep, which wrapped up this week. Division Six, which includes Columbus County, saw 1.2 million pounds gathered, largely by 235 volunteer Adopt A Highway groups in the Division. 

Courtesy Wildlife Resources Commission
Courtesy Wildlife Resources Commission

Blackpowder season for deer opened Saturday across southeastern North Carolina. Remember to wear an orange hat or vest, be sure of your target, and always practice good hunting manners. Call 1.800.IGOTONE to register your harvests. For more information, go to

The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at Email with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.     

About Jefferson Weaver 2682 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at