Whiteville Police Department set up a donation drive bright and early Friday morning to help Families First, the shelter and support organization for victims of domestic violence.
“They did this all on their own. They wanted to help out.” say Lucy Byrd, an advocate with Families First.
Lt. Andre Jackson and Det. Scott Moody piled items in totes and bags, and handed out cups and bracelets to those who generously gave to the worthy cause. Even the little ones opened their hearts to give.
“This is awesome,” says Greta Sellers, lead advocate and assistant executive director for Families First. “We have had double the cases this month, and more victims stepping forward than before.
“Our executive director is Vickie Pait. She isn’t able to be here this morning, but we don’t know what we would do without her.”
Families First, Inc. serves victims of domestic and sexual assault in Columbus and Bladen Counties. The non-profit agency was organized with the support of the Columbus County Board of Commissioners and the District Attorney’s Office to maintain a program to help the victims. The goals are to provide shelter and services to survivors of domestic violence and to educate the community. They promote non-violence in the family unit.
The organization is always in need of volunteers, contributions, and public support. They also have thrift store on Madison Street in Whiteville and East Fifth Street in Tabor City where the public can shop and make donations.
If you missed the drive, Whiteville Police Department will take contributions during the entire month of October in honor of Domestic Violence Month. Call 910.642.5111 to donate or visit the Families First stores.