Pecan Harvest Festival and more make for a busy time

The Good News

This weekend will be full of fun as the N.C. Pecan Harvest Festival takes center stage in downtown Whiteville on Saturday. There are numerous other activities going on as well, all across the county. If you find a little time in between or even throughout week, please consider volunteering at one of the local organizations or sponsor a family in need this holiday season.   

A wide range of actitivities is set for this weekend at the Pecan Harvest Festival in Whiteville.
A wide range of activities is set for this weekend at the Pecan Harvest Festival in Whiteville.

• The 2021 NC Pecan Harvest Festival will be happening on Nov. 6 in Whiteville. The parade will take place at 10 a.m. There will be arts, crafts, vendors, food trucks, and even a Pecan Corner. The day will also include live entertainment. For more information, call 910.770.1991 or visit the website at  

You can still help an unwanted pet at the shelter, even if you can’t take one home.

• Columbus County Animal Services is now looking for volunteers. If you’re interested in playing with, walking, or helping to socialize some furbabies, please stop by shelter and fill out an application. Call 910.641.3945 for more information on how you can help.  

• If big animals are more to your liking, Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue will need volunteers Saturday at the Fair Bluff Big Cat Sanctuary to complete installation of the perimeter fencing and remaining construction for the first seven acres of the facility. If you would like to help, please contact Rhonda Burney Billeaud at 910.840.1886 or via Facebook. 


Volunteers are needed at Schizzy’s Big Cat Rescue in Fair Bluff this weekend and next.

• There will be a free pet vaccination and microchip clinic at Lumberton West Baptist Church Saturday, Nov. 6 from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. The event includes free vaccinations, free microchips, and registration for free spay and neuter services. The church is located at 2320 West Fifth St., Lumberton. The clinic is supported by Robeson Rescue Partners.   

• The East Columbus Friends of the Library of Riegelwood is having a quilt raffle. All proceeds will go to the upkeep and maintenance of the building as well as the $1,200 a year insurance cost. Tickets are $1. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 910.655.4157. You can also visit the library located at 103 Church Rd., Riegelwood.  

• The Lake Waccamaw community yard sale will be back in full swing this Saturday, Nov. 6 starting at 8 a.m. on the lawn beside the One Stop convenience store.  Fee to participate is $10, and vendors should bring their own tables. The store is located at 10 Waccamaw Shores Road. For more information, please call 843.685.6138. 

• The town of Lake Waccamaw is officially gearing up for the holiday season, and nothing could be merrier or brighter than the area’s 30th annual Christmas parade.  

The parade is set to take place on Saturday, Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. Floats, golf carts, antique cars, marching bands, and walking groups are welcomed to join in on the fun as folks ring in the Christmas spirit lakeside.  There is no entry fee, but participants are asked to submit an application no later than Thursday, Dec. 2 by 5 p.m. to Lake Waccamaw Town Hall. If you need any additional information, please call the office at 910.646.3700.  

• Adopt a Family: Operation Christmas is accepting applications through Wednesday, Dec. 15. The purpose of the campaign is to sponsor families in the Triad area of North Carolina in their efforts to provide their children and family with a better Christmas holiday. Consideration is granted for financial need. For more information, contact Tatyana Frink at 910.207.2029. 

• Registration for Toys for Tots will be this Saturday, Nov. 6 at Abundant Life Assembly of God. The event will be from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. You will need two forms of I.D. to register. The church is located at 5384 James B. White Highway South in Whiteville. 

• Whiteville Parks and Recreations is now holding registration online for Winter Youth Basketball. Entries will be taken through Dec. 3. The cost is $15 for city residents, and $25 for county residents. The program is for youth 5-16 years old. Visit to sign up or you can register at Whiteville City Hall.  

• New Life Community Church will be presenting a Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 6 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. The bazaar will include homemade baked goods, handcrafted items, clothing, jewelry, and much more. The church is located at 107 South Maultsby Street in Whiteville.  

• Jeff Stultz, national director of Broken Chains JC, will visit Celebrate Recovery at Western Prong Baptist Church November 8. There will be a free meal at 6 p.m. Childcare will be provided. Come hear Stutlz give his testimony of how faith led him away from a life of drugs and alcohol into founding a national motorcycle-based ministry. Western Prong is located at 167 Peacock Road off U.S. 701 North, between Clarkton and Whiteville.

Sparky will be visiting St. James Fire Department Saturday.

• The St. James Volunteer Fire Department will be having a Fundraiser Fun Day on Saturday, Nov. 6 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Sparkie the Dog and Smokey the Bear will be onsite for the little ones to meet and greet. The N. C. Forest Service will also be hanging out at the event. Hotdogs will be available for purchase for $2, chicken bog plates for $4, and soft drinks for $1. Any cash donations will gladly be accepted.  Firefighter positions are also open at the department and applications will be available.  

• Tabor City Fire Department will be having their annual BBQ and bake sale on Nov. 6 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The event will be held at the department located at 113 West Fourth Street in Tabor City.  Proceeds for the sale helps the Auxiliary to purchase equipment that the fire department needs. Plates are $8 each.  

• The Columbus County Republican Party is having a fundraiser Saturday Nov. 6 at the fairgrounds. Tickets are $100 and include dinner for two and entry into a Ten Gun Raffle. Tickets are available for purchase at Dixie Steel Guns and Ammo from Wednesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Delivery is also available. Funds are used to support candidates and the county party. Call Dave at 910.770.2599 for more information.   

• Deputies and detention staff will be sporting beards during No Shave November at the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Greene has relaxed the shave policy by allowing staff members to pay $25 so they do not have to shave. All proceeds will go to the Columbus Baptist Association for their annual Toy Store for Christmas.  

• The next meeting of the Columbus County Board of Education will be Nov. 8 at 5:30 p.m. The locations of the meeting will be determined closer to the date.  

Friday, Nov. 12 in now an optional teacher workday for Columbus County Schools. There will be no school for students on this day. 

• Columbus County Schools will hold a public Town Hall meeting on Thursday, Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. in the Williams Township School Cafeteria. The superintendent and other key county schools personnel will be available to answer questions about the school system. Everyone is welcome.

The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at Email with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.  

About Jefferson Weaver 2681 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at