Wilson wins Lake mayor race

Mayor Elect Matt Wilson and his father Rodney working the polls Tuesday morning (Crystal Faircloth photo)
Lake Waccamaw Mayor-elect Matt Wilson and his father Rodney working the polls Tuesday morning (Crystal Faircloth photo)


The election didn’t turn out as we’d hoped, but I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who volunteered and supported our campaign. Also, I want to extend a special thank you to my husband, Ricky for supporting me every step of the way. Congratulations to Matt Wilson, Theresa McKeithan and Frank Carroll and I hope that this election inspires more residents to step up and get involved in the Town of Lake Waccamaw.


I look forward to working with the new mayor and the other commissioners. There are some important issues we will need to continue to deal with such as storm water run off and our out dated sewer system. And we have to get our fire department back on the right track. 


A hardfought election at Lake Waccamaw ended Tuesday with a big win for native Matt Wilson.

Wilson defeated fellow town commissioner Rosemary Dorsey for the mayor’s seat, 390 votes to 181. Mayor Daniel Hilburn opted not to run for reelection after having served 13 years on the board as mayor and a commissioner. Hilburn endorsed Wilson early in the campaign.

“I had a feeling Tuesday morning we were going to win,” Wilson said. “Something just told me. Folks were coming up and shaking my hand.”

Incumbent West Ward Commissioner Frank Carroll easily held off challenger Amanda Worley, 373 to 187. Theresa McKeithan was unopposed for the East Ward seat held by Wilson. 

Wilson said he plans to continue focusing on the town’s wastewater and stormwater issues.

“To completely rebuild the sewer system would cost millions of dollars,” he said. “We obviously can’t do all that at once, but we have to keep working on it. We have to keep pursuing grants and finding other ways to upgrade the system.

“Stormwater is another problem. We need to protect the lake, and try to cut down on problems with flooding.” 

The growth of Elizabeth Brinkley Park as a regional recreation facility is also going to be on Wilson’s plate.

“We have a good park there,” he said, “and it can be a lot better. We’re going to have to see what else we can do to make it even better, as a resource for children and their families.”

Although Dorsey sometimes found herself at odds with Carroll and Wilson, she sent her best wishes to both men Wednesday, and said she looks forward to working with McKeithan. Dorsey will continue to serve as a commissioner, since her term doesn’t end until 2023.

“The election didn’t turn out as we’d hoped,” Dorsey said Wednesday, “but I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who volunteered and supported our campaign. Also, I want to extend a special thank you to my husband, Ricky for supporting me every step of the way. 

“Congratulations to Matt Wilson, Theresa McKeithan and Frank Carroll and I hope that this election inspires more residents to step up and get involved in the Town of Lake Waccamaw.”

McKeithan is excited about serving on the town commission.

“I look forward to working with the new mayor and the other commissioners,” she said. “There are some important issues we will need to continue to deal with such as stormwater runoff and our outdated sewer system. And we have to get our fire department back on the right track.” 

Wilson said he looks forward to continuing to work with the board of commissioners, where he has served for three terms. 

“Rosemary ran a hard campaign. I hope we can bring the board together and get past this, so we can focus on what’s good for the people of Lake Waccamaw. We have a special town, and it deserves everything we can do to preserve it and keep it a great place to live. My family lives here, I live here. This is a great place to call home. I appreciate people showing me the confidence they have by voting for me.”

About Jefferson Weaver 2688 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at jeffersonweaver@ColumbusCountyNews.com.