The Good News for Feb. 12-18 

Micah Squires and Nickki Smith
Micah Squires and Nikki Smith didn't have much time to make friends when they first met -- Nickki was busy with her team saving Micah's life. See more in the Good News.

If your child is interested in playing baseball, T-ball, or softball this spring and summer in Columbus County, this weekend may be your last chance to get them signed up.  

Whiteville Parks and Recreation is currently accepting T-Ball sign-ups through March 18. Registration is for children ages 4-6, and fees are $15 for city residents and $25 for children from the county. Visit to register online or sign-up at Whiteville City Hall located at 317 South Madison Street. A copy of your child’s birth certificate must be presented at the time of registration.  

Southern Columbus Dixie Youth Baseball signups are available online until Feb.12. In-person signups will be from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Tabor City Athletic Complex, William’s Township Elementary Gym, and Nakina Middle School Gym. Check the Southern Columbus Dixie Youth Facebook page for more. 

Lake Waccamaw Gators Dixie Youth Baseball sign-ups will be Feb 12, 19, and 26, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Lake Waccamaw Methodist Church. There is a $40 registration fee. Call 910.625.6167 or 910.625.9750 for more. 

Signup for the Columbus County Dixie Youth Softball league are happening right now. Visit if your child is interested in participating. Registration will be accepted through Feb. 12 for kids ages 4-19 years old.   

Whiteville Dixie Youth baseball registration ends Feb. 25. You may register online via the link on the Wolfpack Optimist Facebook page. Make sure you follow the page to get all the updates on the upcoming season. The fee is $50 per child. 

The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences of Whiteville will be having their Second Saturday Story Time Feb. 12 (today) at 10:30 a.m. Who is your Valentine this year? This weekend children will be showing nature how much they care by making her their Valentine. The program is limited to 20 participants so parents are asked to sign your little one up at for this Saturday’s Storytime. 

Whiteville Police Department has a new face around town. Officer Maria Cruz is now on duty with the WPD.

The Children’s Advocacy Center in Whiteville is in need of donations. The facility is currently seeking eight-ounce bottles of water for the children in their care. The items can be dropped off at 219 North Lee Street in Whiteville or at the BGHNC office located at 400 Flemington Drive in Lake Waccamaw.  

Micah and Nikki (submitted)

This past week a little boy got to meet one of the people who was responsible for saving his life over a year ago. Micah Squires and his father, Mark, were hit head-on by a drunk driver in a car accident causing the child to suffer severe brain trauma. Nikki Smith made the judgement call to airlift Micah to UNC Chapel Hill’s Levine Children’s Hospital instead of New Hanover, and during the flight, she and her team worked tirelessly to keep the little boy alive until they got there. Micah’s family now regards Smith as his guardian angel.  

Hallsboro residents are welcoming a new business in town. Ace Tire and Auto Shop beside the post office located at 4179 Sam Potts Highway has finally opened its doors. The garage specializes in new and used tires, oil changes, brakes, batteries and more. Reinaldo “Ace” Argueta owns the shop, and he can be reached by calling 843.331.4696.  

George and Julia Baysden of Piney forest Baptist Church. (Submitted)

The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office had two special guests during the week. George and Julia Baysden with Piney Forest Baptist Church baked and delivered two tasty cakes for officers to enjoy. The delivery included prayers and a very sweet card from the couple.  

The Whiteville Junior Women’s Club will be hosting its second annual Artic Alligator Plunge on March 5 at 9 a.m. at the Lake Waccamaw State Park. To get in all the fun, vote for a celebrity challenger, or to register to participate, visit The cost of registration is $30. 

The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.newswith your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.   

About Jefferson Weaver 2682 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at