With the spring comes the return of the bug population. You may be tempted to swat at the little guys, but keep in mind that some of them are essential to crops and flowers. One organization in town is making sure they have a food source available through the warm months ahead.

The Whiteville Rotary Club planted pollinator beds in front of the NC Museum of Natural Sciences to help turn the Whiteville Butterfly Trail into a living honey bee and butterfly highway. More plants provided by Yemma Farm will be added to the beds in the near future. The project was funded by International Paper.
The second annual Waccamaw Siouan STEM Studio Yacunne Fish Camp is fast approaching, and the organization is looking for volunteers to help fix fishing lines and tribal elders to share fishing stories. There is a place for anyone who wants to help. Sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4da9ad2aa4fdc07-2ndannual.

Columbus County Sheriff’s Office held a retirement and promotion ceremony Wednesday night for recently promoted staff and to recognize the retirement of Detention Officer Corporal Michael Dancil. Dancil retired from Columbus County Sheriff’s Office last Feb. He dedicated 12 years to serving the public as a detention officer.
The Columbus Baptist Association’s spring revival will begin March 28-31 at 7 p.m. each night. Services will be held at Western Prong Baptist Church. Special music and awesome speakers will be there each evening. Monday night will be Matthew Ward. Tuesday night, Cameron Lewis will be speaking. Wednesday night, Ronnie Wilson will address the congregation, and Thursday night, Matthew Tarpley from the First Baptist Church of Lake Waccamaw will be the speaker.
Services are open to everyone. Western Prong Baptist Church is located at 167 Peacock Road in Whiteville.
The application process for CCCA has now started. CCCA is a Cooperative and Innovative High School located on the campus of Southeastern Community College that provides a unique learning opportunity for students. Students at CCCA take a variety of high school, CTE, and college courses during their time from grades 9-12, earning a high school diploma, certificates for trade programs, and college credit towards an associate’s degree. CTE programs located at CCCA include Broadcasting, Culinary Arts, Masonry, and Metals. Applications are due April 15. For more information, follow Columbus Career and College Academy on Facebook and visit the CCCA website at http://www2.columbus.k12.nc.us/ccca/become-a-student/.
Additionally, the school will be hosting a parent night on Tuesday, March 29, from 6:00- 7:30 p.m. at the auditorium of Southeastern Community College to educate parents and future students on the programs available at the early college.
Whiteville Parks and Recreation is currently accepting Dixie Youth Boys Baseball sign-ups for ages 13-14 years old through April 1. Fees are $15 for the city and $25 for the county. Visit www.parksrec.egov.basgo.com/whiteville to register online or sign-up at Whiteville City Hall located at 317 South Madison Street. A copy of your child’s birth certificate must be presented at the time of registration.

While the Columbus County Sheriff’s Animal Protective Services makes updates to flooring and kennels, the furbabies are having a sleepover at All Creatures Great and Small. The spa facility for pets is taking good care of the animals while renovations are being completed at APS.
Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue, a non-profit animal rescue organization, is building a 56-acre big cat sanctuary located in Fair Bluff. They are in need of volunteers to help with the construction of den boxes and installation of perimeter fencing, top railing and kickers on several big cat and wolf habitats on Saturday, March 26 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. All interested volunteers must be at least 18 years old, be able to lift a minimum of 20 pounds, and be comfortable working in various weather conditions. No experience is necessary. Groups are welcomed. To sign up, please contact Rhonda Billeaud at rhonda.billeaud@shizzyswildcatrescue.org or call 910.840.1886.
The Lebanon Masonic Lodge 207 will be having a BBQ plate lunch sale on Friday, April 1 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Badcock Home Furniture Store in Whiteville. Plates are $10 each. All proceeds will go to the organization’s community projects.
The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.newswith your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.