Summertime is almost here, and high school sports will no longer have center stage. It has me wondering, what do we do for entertainment?
I know there is a golf course in town and there are plenty of them within a short driving distance (no pun intended).
Some decide to dust off the rods and reels and try their luck at angling on the shoreline or on a boat and others will just live the salt life. Everything mentioned above sounds like an enjoyable day or excursion, but they are not things that the entire family could enjoy.
No movie theater, no bowling alley, no mall, and no place to get together as a community besides church, church is a beautiful place to get together, but it is not a place to release steam and be a little rowdy.
You know what is a good place? A sporting event or festival.
I know we have the Strawberry and Watermelon festivals in the summer, but what sporting events do we have? It seems like we have plenty of space around town to do a few cool things.
I hope the city council approves the skate park in the new space on South Madison Street. It would be nice to see an amphitheater and a full-size basketball court in that area as well.
It would be awesome if the city put a civic center there or somewhere in town. That would open up the area to new events for the community to enjoy, from musical events to retail conventions. Boat, spa shows and sports entertainment (such as wrestling and roller derby).
With a civic center it opens a whole new world of adult and family entertainment.
If you have listened to my podcast “In the Sports Zone,” you have already heard of some of the ideas I would like to accomplish here in town.
Do not forget Saturday, at 10:30 a.m., a new podcast on Kool 103.9 Radio and on Spotify will be available. If you have any input or ideas, please feel free to email me at vinny@Kool1039Radio.com I would be excited to try and help you get something done.