State officials said Tuesday that several commercial flocks of turkeys chickens are being destroyed after testing positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).
More than 280,000 broilers and 90,000 turkeys in Johnston and Wayne counties are being destroyed, according to the Department of Agriculture.
The latest North Carolina outbreak of HPAI was first discovered in wild game birds earlier this year. The disease quickly spreads from wild ducks and geese to chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. Symptoms of HPAI include stumbling, reduced energy, swelling of the head and eyes, difficulty breathing and sneezing, and green diarrhea.
State Veterinarian Mike Martin announced Tuesday that all flock swaps, public sales and poultry shows are cancelled for the near future. This includes exhibitions, farm tours, shows, sales, flea markets, auction markets, swaps and meets pertaining to poultry and feathered fowl in North Carolina.
A number of other states, including Georgia, had already cancelled poultry shows due to the virus.
“This suspension is due to the continued spread of HPAI that has affected commercial and backyard flocks in numerous states, including North Carolina,” said Martin. “We do not make this decision lightly. HPAI is a serious threat to our poultry industry and this is a precaution to help limit the introduction of the virus to backyard and commercial flocks.”
Backyard flock owners as well as commercial producers are being urged to exercise strict biosecurity methods to protect their birds.
This type of HPAI virus is considered a low risk to people, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. There are no cases to date of this strain of HPAI infecting a person. The virus is also not considered a food safety threat, and infected birds do not enter the food supply. All properly cooked poultry products are safe to consume.
More information about High Path Avian Influenza is online at www.ncagr.gov/avianflu.