Tabor Corrections Guard Jailed on Drug, Firearm Charges

Derek c. Madden (RCSO)
Derek C. Madden (RCSO)

A former Tabor Correctional guard is under $1.075 million bond in the Robeson County Detention Center, facing dozens of drug and firearm charges.

Derek C. Madden, 32, of 8472 N.C. 72 E., Lumberton, was arrested Thursday and charged with trafficking in opiates, possession with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, methadone, prescription pills, maintaining a dwelling for drug activities; nine counts of possessing a stolen firearm; drug paraphernalia, and simple possession of cocaine.

Sheriff Burnis Wilkins said in a press release that cocaine, fentanyl, suboxone strips, methadone, prescription pills, drug paraphernalia, U.S. Currency and 99 firearms were seized from Madden’s home.

The Robeson Opioid Overdose Investigation team, drug investigators, SWAT team, Community Impact Team and deputies raided the home with the assistance of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Madden faces at least nine counts of possession of a stolen firearm in addition to drug charges. Investigators found 99 firearms in his home. (RCSO photo).

The firearms ranged from single-shot hunting rifles and revolvers to military style rifles. 

Wilkins said Madden also had a fake Lumberton Police Department badge that he is suspected of using as part of his drug operation.

Madden’s resignation from the prison system was official today, according to John Bull, spokesman for the Department of Public Safety. Records show Madden was hired at Tabor in October 2016 and made his way up the ladder to corrections Officer III by March 2018.

“The Department of Public Safety has zero tolerance for any staff involved in any illegal activity and is cooperating fully in this investigation,” Bull said in an email. “The Department has many hard-working correctional professionals and it takes staff arrests very seriously. These allegations are under internal investigation as well.”

About Jefferson Weaver 2682 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at