This week was Peace Officer’s Memorial Week in Columbus County, and organizations all over the place have come out to show their appreciation for the men and women in blue.

Last Sunday was Peace Officer Sunday at Bethel Baptist Church in Riegelwood. Pastor Brian Beaver, his wife Veronica, and the congregation held a service followed by a meal in honor of police officers, firefighters, EMS, other first responders and their families.

The Columbus Baptist Association and Crossroads Church dropped by the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office this week to deliver pastries and donuts in honor of Law Enforcement Memorial Week. Rev. Dave Heller said they just wanted to thank officers for what they do and to let them know they are prayed for daily.

Nakina Pentecostal Holiness Church put together gift baskets for the officers of Whiteville Police Department this week. The baskets were filled with a Bible, snacks, pens, notepads, and many other things they may use on a daily basis. The church wanted to show their appreciation during Memorial Week.

Saturday, May 21, is Back the Blue day, a grassroots effort that encourages citizens to honor law enforcement officers with gift cards, meals, flowers, or even just a bottle of water and a thank you. Take the time to show a local officer how you feel.
Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue, a non-profit animal rescue organization, is building a 56-acre big cat sanctuary located in Fair Bluff. They are in need of volunteers to help with the construction of den boxes and installation of perimeter fencing on big cat and wolf habitats on Saturday, May 21, from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

The North Carolina Highway Patrol is bringing awareness to breast cancer with a specialized vehicle. The Dodge Charger sports the iconic NCSHP decals and emblems while incorporating a transition into the symbolic pink highlights and ribbons that are representative of the global importance of breast cancer awareness, education, and research.
The N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences will be hosting two field trips to Lake Waccamaw State Park to find reptiles and amphibians. Children will be learning about these creatures’ habitats and how to safely observe them. The first Herpetology session will be on May 21 at 10 a.m. This program is outdoors and has a limit of 20 participants. Register online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0dTIM9oCrrrnVVdKVjmtY6RD4uchySgTy7h95t7V1IAYOEw/viewformto reserve your spot.
Southeastern Community College is hosting a Spring 5K event on Saturday, May 21, at 9 a.m. All alumni, faculty, staff, supporters, and friends of the college are invited to attend.
This year, the focus is on bringing awareness to emotional health – the ability to be self-aware and cope with challenges and needs while developing overall resilience. The global pandemic of COVID-19 has affected so many, and the college feels that it is important to support individuals who are struggling with mental health. Participation in the 5K is free, but you must register to participate at sccnc.edu/events/rams-run-5k/.
The Veteran’s Memorial Park of America will be having their veteran’s luncheon on Friday, May 27, at the Columbus County fairgrounds. The meal will begin at 5 p.m. is free to all veterans. Guests may attend for $5 each. There will be a gun raffle for a Howa .308 and a Savage .270 rifle. Please visit https://veteransparkofamerica.com to register for the event.
The Columbus Baptist Association is now accepting four person teams for their 12th annual Toy Store Golf Tournament to be held on Sept. 10 at Land-O-Lakes Golf Course in Whiteville. The cost to enter is $60 per player and $240 per team. The fee includes registration, a goody bad, a boxed BBQ lunch, drinks, and snacks. The event has a 44 team limit so call 910.642.2155 to reserve your spot.
The annual Lake Waccamaw Cruise for a Cause golf cart parade will be on Sunday, May 29, at 3 p.m. The theme this year is military appreciation, and proceeds from the event will be going to various veterans’ organizations. There will be a $100 award for the best decorated golf cart, and t-shirts can be ordered now for $20. Orders must be paid in full in advance. To get yours today, call Jessica Andrews at 910.625.5053.
The H.E.A.R.T.S Foundation is now accepting donations for their back-to-school supply drive on July 30. For more information about the event, call Lashoney Frink at 910.625.1745 or Larry Everette at 910.733.3375. For monetary donations, checks should be made out to the H.E.A.R.T.S. Foundation, and mailed to 247 Dessie Road, Chadbourn, N.C. 28431.
West Columbus High School Class of 1983 is planning its 40th class reunion. Any alumni interested in attending the event should contact Velvet Frink Watson at 336.587.3616 or Chris Yates at 917.406.9790.
The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.newswith your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.