August 31, 2022
RE: Request for Proposals
Medical Services for Detention Center
Columbus County Sheriff’s Office
To Whom It May Concern:
The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office is seeking qualified Medical Service firms to provide clinical care, medical record retention, and mental health services for a 192-inmate facility. Below you will find a “Request for Proposals”, which identifies the medical service anticipated to be undertaken by the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office during the contracted period.
In order to be considered, all responses must be submitted in writing no later than 2:00 PM (EST) on October 17, 2022. Firms mailing responses should allow sufficient delivery time to ensure timely receipt of their proposals. The responsibility for submitting completed responses to the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office on or before the specified time and date is solely, and strictly the responsibility of the responding firm. The Office will in no way be responsible for delays caused by any occurrence.
Firms providing proposals shall be responsible for complying with North Carolina Laws, procedures, and local ordinances. The Columbus County Sheriff‘s Office reserves the right to waive any informalities, to reject any and all responses to the Request for Proposals, and to accept any responses which in its opinion may be in the best interest of the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office.
No responses to the Request for Proposals will be received or accepted after 2:00 PM, EST, on October 17, 2022. Late qualification packages will be deemed invalid. To download the RFP far completion you may download or print from our website. www.columbussheriff.com
Responses may be hand delivered or mailed to:
Columbus County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Chief Deputy Aaron Herring
P.O. Box 280
805 Washington Street
Whiteville, NC 28472
Thank you,
Aaron Herring
Chief Deputy
Columbus County Sheriff’s Office