The Waccamaw Siouan S.T.E.M. Studio is calling out to all residents who live within a half mile of the tribal community to register for soil testing as part of the Soul Science Project.
The project will help build a Tribal Youth Cohort who will gain field experience from scientists and learn about their community’s environment, said Ashley Lomboy, founder of the studio.
Sample collection of soil is extended to non-tribal members living in the designated testing area. The opportunity for testing will provided insight on the health of the dirt and water in a specific area. The presence of PFAS, lead, mercury, cadmium and creosote will be the main areas of concentration.
The scope for the testing includes all people who live within the Buckhead, St. James, Council and Boggy Branch tribal area.
“The Soul Science Project will be hosting gatherings within the community to discuss the impact of the environment and will share the testing results,” said Lomboy.
This program is native-led, and the Waccamaw Siouan S.T.E.M. Studio will be communicating directly with tribal members throughout the process.
If you are part of an external group who is interested in the outcome of the samples or would like more information about the project, please email Lomboy at ashley@waccamaw-siouan.org, To register your property for testing before the Sept. 17 deadline, visithttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdp9lEc4JVLxCyHDQsdYIpF2EK_ZOQE2WVAyUXAldmvErRHTw/viewform.
The Soul Science Project is in partnership with the UNC Wilmington’s Department of Environmental Science, Cape Fear River Assembly, and the Waccamaw Siouan tribe. It is funded as part of the Community Collaboration Research Grant.