Municipal Filing Underway; Deadline Friday

Municipal filing ends at noon Friday in Columbus County. As of 3 p.m. today (July 18), several races still have no names on the ballots.

Bolton, Chadbourn, Cerro Gordo, Fair Bluff, Lake Waccamaw, Sandyfield, Tabor City, Whiteville and Brunswick all have town board and in some cases mayoral seats on the ballot. Municipal Election day is Nov. 7.

 In Bolton, Randolph Pringle, Jimmy Wayne Bowen Sr., and Cynthia Laverne Mitchell have filed for alderman as of Tuesday. No one has filed for mayor. The mayor and three aldermen seats are on the ballot.

In Brunswick, Everlene Davis, Shirley Moore, have filed, Jaqueline Louise Williams-Roland  Ricky Lee Mason and Curtis Lamont Hill have filed for the unexpired term on the town commission. Two seats and one unexpired term are on the ballot this year. Brunswick commissioners choose a mayor at the first meeting of a new board.

Chadbourn has Ruth Haynes on the ticket for mayor, with Danny Clewis and Tony Carson Jordan filing for two of the three town council seats.

No candidates have filed for the Cerro Gordo mayor, but David George Prince has signed up to run for one of the two town council seats on the ballot.

In Fair Bluff, Spruell Britt is running for the unexpired seat on the board of commissioners. Kathy Horne Ashley and Ralph Daniel McCoy have filed to run for the two regular terms that are open on the board. Two seats are still without a candidate.

Joseph Karl Bracey has signed up to run for the East Ward seat in Lake Waccamaw, and Terry Littrell has filed for reelection for West Ward commissioner.

In Tabor City, Mayor Royce Harper has filed for reelection, as have council hopefuls Emory Cox, David Mincey, and Nelson Lee. Two board positions are open this year.

Incumbent Mayor Terry Mann has thrown his hat in the ring for the city’s top job, and incumbent Councilman Jimmy Clarida has also filed for the District 02 seat he currently holds. No filings have been reported yet for the two District 01 seats.

This year marks the first time Voter ID will be required. In addition to driver’s licenses and other forms of government-issued identification, voters may obtain a no-cost identification card at the board of elections prior to early voting. Voters may also file a form to be excused from using Voter ID and cast a provisional ballot.

Filing ends Friday at noon.

About Jefferson Weaver 2681 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at