From Eddie Madden, Columbus County Manager
As we approach the end of August, I wanted to share a few updates with the citizens of Columbus County.
This week the Columbus County Commissioners and county staff participated in two exciting school events. The first was the beginning-of-the-year convocation for Whiteville City Schools. Newly appointed Superintendent Dr. Jonathan Williams and Whiteville High School Principal Ronna Gore hosted faculty, staff, and community leaders for an exciting kick off to the school year. Dr. Williams’ words of inspiration and motivation excited everyone in attendance which started the school year off right. I am happy for Dr. Williams and the Whiteville City Schools organization. I fully anticipate great things to come from Dr. Williams’ leadership.
Next, the board of commissioners and county staff attended the ribbon cutting for the new Tabor City School. Those who attended had smiles on their faces as they walked through the halls of a much anticipated and much needed new school in Tabor City. The facilities are modern, bright and welcoming. The new school culminates a partnership between the Columbus County Commissioners, the Columbus County Board of Education, USDA, and many other stakeholders. Congratulations to Dr. Deanna Meadows and her team.
Dr. Chris English has also had a number of new developments at Southeastern Community College that have been supported by appropriations from the Columbus County Board of Commissioners. The new truck driver training program being offered in Fair Bluff has already been a huge success. In addition to the mobile welding labs offered at the high schools across the county, the new automotive training facility that is located on the SCC campus will bring about new opportunities for students and citizens of the county. The county appreciates the efforts of Dr. English and his leadership team for opening doors and bringing workforce training to Columbus County.
The county has been extremely busy in recruitment of new business and industry in the county. Our economic development team led by Dr. Gary Lanier is working on two exciting projects that will hopefully be announced very soon. Both projects have the potential to create hundreds of jobs in the county and will greatly increase the county’s tax base. We will share more information as it becomes available.
The county has a number of new grant projects underway including the Historic Courthouse renovation that is on schedule and on budget. We anticipate construction to wrap up in the spring. The new airport terminal project is in the final stage of design, and work will begin in the coming months. Finally, the county has many infrastructure projects underway that will extend water service and broadband to underserved areas of the Columbus County.
Lastly, the swell of interest in Columbus County continues to grow. Over 14,000 residential lots are going through the approval process and new home construction is beginning. Five years from now, the county is going to look vastly different. The challenge the county has is keeping up with the pace of the developments by providing water and sewer infrastructure where it is needed, having sufficient staffing to keep up with inspections and permitting, potentially building new schools, and equipping our first responders with the resources they need to keep everyone safe.
There has never been a better time to be in Columbus County and we look forward to what is in store for the future.
Edwin Madden, Jr.
County Manager