March 14, 1931 ~ August 22, 2023 (age 92)
She was born Saturday, March 14, 1931 as the first child of the marriage between George Fletcher Register and Minnie Gertrude Gore. They named her Virginia Dare, but when her Grandma Kit saw her, she said “there’s my little Cricket.” And Cricket she was for the rest of her life to those who loved or knew her. Virginia Register Gore went to join her parents and beloved husband UG for eternity on August 22, 2023.
She leaves behind to celebrate her life, so many friends and family whose lives she enriched through the years with her love, wisdom, faith, and optimism. She is survived by two sons and their families: her youngest son Phil and wife Sue and their son Charlie, and oldest son Rex and wife Janice and their daughter Felicia. Her grandson Charlie is married to Susan Prince and they are awaiting the birth of their son, Radner Charles. Granddaughter Felicia is married to Chris Hoover and has triplet daughters—Hannah, Faith, and Emily. In 1999 Grandma Cricket spent a year in Raleigh helping Felicia rock and care for the triplets. Faith is married to Tre Gay.
Cricket is also survived by her sister Audrey Jean Moore, and sister-in-law (sister of the heart) Marie Register. Her brother Boyd and sister Hazel Dillman predeceased her. She leaves numerous nephews, nieces and their families behind, many who spent valuable time being loved and mentored by Uncle G and Aunt Cricket. Their continuing love brought smiles to her face and joy to her heart.
She lived her entire life in the Seven Creeks/Reeves Ferry community of Columbus County. She and UG lived simple lives as a farmer and beautician. They reared their sons on the land working with others in the community and gave them the opportunity to both graduate from NC State. She created magical cakes for birthdays and weddings and stitched prize-winning heirloom quilts. She loved looking out her “window on the world” and seeing her birds and the comings and goings on Manley Smith Road. She was very active in Gores Chapel Church and became special to so many of the young people who enjoyed New Years Eve at her house and then brighten her later years with their visits and love.
She passed as she lived, in peace with assurance. She will be missed, but not forgotten.
Her funeral services will be at 12:00 p.m. on Friday at Gores Chapel Church with Rev. Glenn Lane officiating. Visitation will begin at 11.oo a.m. prior to the service.