There is beautiful weather in the forecast this weekend for Columbus. Make it your mission to get outside and take advantage of the farmer’s market, catch a movie, or head out of town to a plant festival. Be sure log onto www.columbuscountynews.com for absolutely free to catch up on any news you’ve missed this week. Get your news delivered every morning to your inbox before your coffee ever hits your cup by signing up for our daily newsletter.
This final installment of Movies on Madison will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with the feature film Encanto. The event will take place on Friday, Sept. 15, at 6:30 p.m. at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences at Whiteville. The lawn will be open before the movie, so little ones and their families can enjoy some of the educational activities available. Refreshments will be up for purchase, and Encanto will begin at dusk. This is a family event, so no coolers, pets, smoking, or alcoholic beverages are permitted on museum grounds.
The Columbus County Farmer’s Market will be having Honey Day on Saturday, Sept. 16, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Bring the kids out to learn about bees and how honey is made. There will be a beekeeper onsite with a live beehive, and the market will be raffling off a honey basket full of goodies. Honey products, crafts, and produce will also be up for grabs. The market is located at 132 Government Complex Drive in Whiteville.
Go to the market in the morning and then catch a movie to benefit first responders and veterans in the evening. McMullen House of Heroes will be partnering with the Veterans Memorial Park of America to present a movie night on Saturday, Sept. 16. The feature film will be the Minion Movie. Admission is free, and concessions will be on sale starting at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of food and drinks will go to McMullen House for community outreach. The movie begins at 8:30 p.m. The park can be found at 6354 James B. White Highway South in Whiteville.
A Bladen County school resource officer was commended for saving a student’s life this week. Rena Delin Bryant is assigned to Dublin Primary and at lunch time, she prevented a child from choking to death.
The Columbus Baptist Association will have a chicken bog plate sale on Saturday, Sept. 16, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Lowes parking lot in Whiteville. Plates are $10 each and include chicken bog, green beans, a roll, and dessert. All proceeds will go to help the association’s partnership church, Wind River Church, in Shoshoni, Wyoming.
Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue in Fair Bluff will have one workday this month on Sept. 16 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. You must be 18 years old or older to use tools and climb ladders. If you would like to volunteer at Shizzy’s Wildcat Rescue, find out more information, make a donation, or become a sponsor, you can contact Rhonda Billeaud, co-chairman for Shizzy’s, by phone at 910.840.1886. You can also send her an email at rhondabilleaud@shizzyswildcatrescue.org. The full summer schedule for Shizzy’s can be found here. Shizzy’s can be found at 658 Main Street.
If you love plants, then head over to the Shelton Herb Farm in Leland with the Whiteville Garden Club from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 16. Shop native plant vendors and ask Agriculture Extension agents your flower growing and botany questions. The farm is located at 540 Goodman Road.

The Whiteville Police Department welcomed a new member to the force this week. Officer B. Thompson graduated from the BLET program at Southeastern Community College in May, and he is joining the WPD family.
Lee’s Creamery will be having a family game night at the ice cream shop from 6-9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 16. Bring your board games, family members, and closest friends for a night of fellowship and yummy cold desserts. The creamery is located at 30 Hill Plaza in Whiteville next to the Roses shopping center.
You can also ‘Fall into Good Health’ on Sept. 16 at the George Henry White Memorial Health and Education Center. The festival will be from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., and it will feature food, resource information, and free health screenings. The center can be found at 731 Farmers Union Road in Clarkton.
Columbus County Schools and Southeastern Community College will be offering a bus class from Sept. 18-20 at the T-Building in room 122 at the SCC campus. Anyone who is not an CCS employee will need to bring a fee of $68 and a completed application for the school system they would like to work for. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. and the class will start at 8:30 a.m. Anyone who arrives after the class starts will not be admitted without prior approval.
The CBA will be having their next Backpack Buddies packing party on Tuesday, Sept. 19, beginning at 7 p.m. The ministry distributes food to children on Fridays to have during the weekend who may not otherwise have something to eat until they get back to school on Monday. The association’s office is located at 208 South Thompson Street in Whiteville.
Come out and join Jason Smith and Evan Wright for music in The Alley on Sept. 21 from 6-9 p.m. The venue is located at 719 South Madison Street in downtown Whiteville.
On Saturday, Sept. 23, local organizations will duke it out at the Brunswick Stew Festival from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Columbus County Fairgrounds. The grounds are located at 886 Prison Camp Road in Whiteville.
Mishop Springs Community Church is having a one-day fall fling at their tent revival on Sept. 23 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. There will be music, speakers, and lunch provided at the event. The church can be found at 2756 Pine Log Road in Whiteville.
Mt. Zion Amez Church in Lake Waccamaw will be celebrating their 141-year anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 24, at 3 p.m. “Come as you are, but don’t leave as you came,” announced the Zion family. The community and surrounding church families are invited to come and join in on the food and fellowship and listen to Rev. Leo Clemmons speak. Guest speaker Rev. Thomas Williams of St. Pauls Amez Church of Bolton will also bring the word. The church is located at 107 Mount Zion Street.
The ‘See You at the Pole’ youth rally will be on Sept. 24 at 5 p.m. in the Whiteville Fun Factory parking lot. There will be blowups, games, food, live music and more with guest speaker Jon Goforth. The event is sponsored by the CBA and several other churches in the area. Fun Factory is located at 42 Hill Plaza in Whiteville. Be sure to meet your peers at your school’s flagpole on Sept. 27 thirty minutes before the school day starts to pray for a successful year.
The Grissettown Longwood Fire Department will once again hold their annual Grissettown Haunted Trail beginning on Oct. 6-7. The event will run every Saturday and Sunday and on Halloween night from 7-10 p.m. Tickets are $15 each. The station is located at 758 Longwood Road in Ocean Isle Beach.
The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY Kool 103.9 FM, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at columbuscountynews.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.