It’s not just Columbus County spreading beekeeping education in the area. The N.C. Cooperative Extension of Bladen County will be getting in on the act too. On Tuesday, Sept. 12, from 5:30-6:30 p.m., the Better Bladen Series will be hosting an Intro to Beekeeping class.
The program is geared toward individuals who would like to start a hive of their own, but don’t know where to start. The class will feature honeybee biology and behavior and clue you in on what equipment you will need to tend to your buzzy colony. It focuses on hive box placement, managing your bees, and the benefits of owning and keeping bees.
The class does require you to register, and you can do so by visiting https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMG_Qsr3sEJkW66_xBHjxwaW7cjXA6vdqpBRXGnkVwZDz8og/viewform?pli=1. Opportunities for other Better Bladen Series programs are also listed on the website.
For more information about the class, you can send an email to joel_fulton@ncsu.edu or call the extension at 910.862.4591. Intro to Beekeeping will be held at the Powell Melvin Ag Center located at 450 Smith Circle in Elizabethtown.