Provalus, an IT services company, will create 92 jobs in Columbus County, Governor Roy Cooper announced today. The company will invest $500,000 to establish operations in the City of Whiteville.
“This announcement by Provalus is a great win for Columbus County,” Cooper said in a press release. “The decision to operate in Whiteville is evidence of the strength of rural North Carolina’s talented workforce, strong economy, and great quality of life.”
Founded in 2017, Provalus offers technology and business support to Fortune 1000 companies. The company provides full-service technology solutions including cybersecurity, cloud and infrastructure support, data analytics and intelligent automation services, business optimization, and application development.
Some of the available positions require no experience, and entry-level to experienced IT management roles, as well as support. The company said the new jobs have the potential to create an annual economic impact of more than $3.7 million for the region.
Provalus operates in rural communities and provides training and upskilling opportunities for long-term IT careers. Individuals interested in applying do not need prior work experience in the field of IT services. The company will locate to a 20,000-square-foot building in downtown Whiteville.
“We are proud to announce the first phase of our partnership with the Whiteville community. Choosing a city for a new office is about more than selecting a place to put desks. We’re choosing a new town to add to our Provalus family,” said Will Ruzic, Vice President of Facilities and Operations. “This launch means Whiteville will forever be part of the Provalus story and we hope to be a meaningful part of Whiteville’s future.”
“We are excited to welcome Provalus to rural North Carolina,” said N.C. Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. “When tech companies choose rural communities, it validates that the state’s talent pipeline is our most valuable resource and demonstrates the importance of our strategic plan’s goal to prepare each community to attract innovative businesses to every corner of the state.”
“We are so excited to start hiring in Whiteville and we need candidates immediately! There’s no experience required because we provide paid training to all employees,”, said Victoria Bonilla, Vice President of Recruiting and Training. “Anyone interested, we invite them to apply online at our website.”
A performance-based grant of $300,000 from the One North Carolina Fund will help Provalus locate in Columbus. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require matching participation from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.
In addition to the N.C. Department of Commerce and Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina, other key partners in this project include the General Assembly, Community College System, Southeastern Community College, Golden LEAF Foundation, North Carolina’s Southeast, Columbus County Economic Development Commission, County of Columbus, Columbus County Chamber of Commerce, Columbus Jobs Foundation, Columbus County Schools and City of Whiteville.
To review and apply, visit www.provalus.com/apply.