The Good News for Nov. 10

Family dollar in Cerro Gordo is cheering on the WCHS Vikings as well as remembering Brady Mercer, who died last month.
Family Dollar in Cerro Gordo is cheering on the WCHS Vikings as well as remembering Viking player Brady Mercer, who died last month.

There’s a full slate of events honoring our veterans Saturday.
After a ceremony at 9 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial Park, there will be the second annual VETERANS CELEBRATION PARADE in Whiteville at 11 a.m. This year the parade has 88 entries, making it one of the largest parades of any kind here in years.
Columbuscountynewscom will be broadcasting that parade on our Facebook page.
Saturday night is the Lest We Forget dinner dance fundraiser for the park. That starts at 5:30 p.m. at the Clarkton Entertainment Center. Tickets are $100, and include dinner, music by the Blackwater band, and a five gun drawing. Call Angela Norris at 910.840.3948 for your last minute ticket.

The flags on Flemington will be flying through Monday. The flags stretch form the Lake Waccamaw Depot Museum to the library. In addition to flags from our country’s history there are banner honoring our military. Volunteers post the colors every patriotic holiday to honor all those who have served.

The Columbus Community Farmer’s Market is open until 1 p.m. Saturday. Spaghetti is on the menu. Pick you up a plate while you check out the produce, fresh farm raised eggs, arts and crafts, and other local products. December 9 is the special Christmas market there. Vendor spaces are still available. Call 910.234.3224.

The 25th annual Military Vet Riders Toy Run is coming up December 2. Proceeds benefit the Columbus Baptist Association Christmas toy store. Cost is $10 or an unwrapped toy. Call 910.207.1558 or 910.445.3062 for more information.

Vineland Depot was crowded Thursday night with folks enjoying the annual Shuck and Shag. There were steamed oysters, fresh shrimp, and Brunswick stew and chili from Chef Sara Gore. The annual fundraiser benefits the Columbus chamber of commerce and tourism. Miss Joan and Miss Cathy deserve a week off after all they put into making such a great event.
Living Hope Pregnancy Support Services has moved. They’re now located in downtown Whiteville, at 404 S. Madison street.
Douglas Sasser’s photography exhibit, Pyramids to Sunflowers, will open with a reception November 14 at 5 p.m. the Wyche Art Gallery at southeastern community College.
The Sheepdog Foundation is hosting a meet and greet for ladies interested in a self defense and self reliance group. The gathering will be November 15 at 530 at the Nolan Park Rec center. Contact the Sheepdog Foundation via Facebook for more information. The meeting is free.

Family Dollar in Cerro Gordo has erected a memorial to West Columbus Viking Brady Mercer, who was tragically killed last month. Go by and tell them thank you for remembering this young man. The Vikings are leading in the IIA Playoffs for the first time since 1979.

November 18 is the 2023 Youth Coon Hunt Challenge in Hallsboro. The event is free for all youth, and no experience is required. They’ll even loan your kid a coonhound. Look for more on this story on our website, or call 910.840.9269.
Willing Vessel and Milk Before Meat will sponsor a free community Thanksgiving meal November 18 at Murph’s Pawn in Whiteville. There will be free Bibles available, as well as prayer partners. The event emphasizes help for area homeless, but everyone is welcome to attend.
Santa will be welcoming visitors in uptown Whiteville pretty soon, and the big guy is also paying a visit to Gwen’s Café in Hallsboro December 9 from 10 until 2. The café is located at 905 Hallsboro Road South. Elves are even going to be handing out gifts at the event.

Fair Bluff will hold their parade December 9 after the tree lighting at 5 p.m. All events will be held at the visitor’s center. Fair Bluff’s market will also be moved to that day to coincide with the fun.
You can sponsor a kid’s round at the Old Dock Cypress Creek Volunteer fire department turkey shoot November 18. Sponsorships are $40. Call 910.640.2203 for more information.
Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual turkey shoots every Friday and Saturday in November, with a bonus shoot Nov. 22. Stock guns with a maximum barrel length of 32 inches or less must be used. Competition starts at 7 p.m. at 10263 Old Hwy. 74, Evergreen.

Transformation Church will host a turkey shoot every Friday and Saturday through the month of November through Thanksgiving. Cost is $5 per shot. Food, cold drinks and hot chocolate will be available for purchase. The shoot will be at 9955 James B. White Hwy. South, Whiteville. For more information, see the Transformation Church Facebook page.

If your fire department, church, civic group or other non-profit is hosting a turkey shoot this year, email and we’ll include it for free in the directory.

The boys and girls home country store at Lake Waccamaw has new business hours. The store is now open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and from 8 a.m. until noon Saturdays.
Community CPR is hosting a Christmas toy drive. They have identified 20 kids in need who you can help this Christmas. Call 910.234.4101, see their Facebook page or contact Tiffany Buzzerio for more information.
Remember we love sharing your church news, club events, non-profit activities, pageant winners, fundraisers, little kids with big fish, Good Samaritan stories and all your happy news. Catch the Good News throughout the week at Columbus County News for updated information about what’s happening in your backyard. Email There’s never a charge to share your news at

About Jefferson Weaver 2681 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at