Today is one of the biggest parade days of the year in Columbus.
Lake Waccamaw’s Christmas parade and their first ever crafts fair is at 10.
There’s a whole slate of events going in Chadbourn at the depot today, followed by the parade is at 3.
Whiteville’s Christmas extravaganza and parade start at 5 p.m.
The Whiteville Fire Department chicken bog sale is also at Vineland from 6 until 10 p.m.
Riegelwood’s Christmas in the Village has been rescheduled to next Saturday due to the rainy forecast.
There are three locations for the Boys and Girls Home Nativity Journey this year. The Home at Lake Waccamaw, the Lake Waccamaw Depot, and the Carriage House will all feature parts of the Nativity story in this year’s special event. The event is from 2-6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated.
Tabor City is a busy place all week. Today, Tabor City Baptist Church has Santa hosting breakfast from 9-11. The Santa Brunch at the Todd House is from 10-12. Holiday vendors will be set up throughout downtown from 10-2.
The Christmas Parade is December 7 at 6 p.m., with the community tree lighting at 7 and A New Beginning Health care’s Christmas festival after the parade.
Dec. 8 is the Cookie Crawl from 3-6, followed by the flotilla on Lake Tabor at 7. The Winter Soiree and Festival of Trees is December 9 from 5-9.
Fair Bluff is going to be getting into the spirit in a big way December 9. The downtown market will be open from noon til 5. Santa will be available for pictures at the visitor’s center from 3-5 p.m., when he’ll throw the switch to light the community Christmas tree. At 6 p.m. is the Fair Bluff Christmas parade.
Carolina Adventist Church will host a live drive through Nativity Dec. 10 from 4-7 p.m. The church is located a mile south of Walmart on U.S. 701. Call 445.1272.
Dec. 12 is the big day for the Embers featuring Craig Woolard in concert at Southeastern Community College. General admission is $40, and sponsorships are available. Call 788.6820.
Bolton will have its first Live Nativity December 18 at the Bolton Park on Old N.C. 211 from 6-8 p.m. Hot chocolate and smores will be available.
Santa Claus will be visiting Gwen’s Diner in Hallsboro December 9. The Hallsboro community will host a Christmas celebration at the Bracey shop on December 23. Look for more on this new event in the coming days.
The sheriff’s office is hosting a Boston butt sale January 12 to benefit Deputy Tyler Reeves. The deputy is fighting colon cancer. Butts are $30. To pre-order, call 642.6551 or contact the CCSO via Facebook to order.
Columbus County Schools will be hosting a third Community Cafe on December 4 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be at South Columbus High School. Parents of any student in any grade level in the county system are encouraged to attend. Childcare, refreshments and interpreters will be provided. Information gathered from the meetings will be used to help school system plan for the future. Call 910.642.5168 for more information.
Columbus Animal Protective Services had a makeover during the Thanksgiving holiday. A new family meeting room has been set up. While it’s mainly for families wanting to adopt cats, you might meet a dog or two there as well. The newly painted rooms have furniture and other features designed to create a more homelike atmosphere.
The shelter also got an early Christmas present last week from New Hanover APS. The New Hanover agency held a supply drive, and shared its surplus with other area shelters. A box truck full of blankets, towels and other supplies came to Columbus shelter at absolutely no cost.
West Columbus Viking Coach LaMonte Williamson had the team meet at the field house at 9 a.m. Friday as they prepared to depart at 11:30 for Tarboro. When they got to the team room, they watched a pep talk video recorded for them from 2006 Viking alumni Debo Brown, who now plays for the NFL. The video can be seen on the WCHS Endzone Club Facebook page.
We have plenty of room for your church’s Christmas celebrations on our website. PM Columbuscountynews.com on Facebook or email jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com with your free listing.
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