Meth Found During ‘Tag Team Thursday’ Effort

Michael Lee Canady (CCSO photo)
Michael Lee Canady (CCSO photos)

A multi-county effort focusing in western Columbus netted a number of traffic violations and a quantity of crystal meth Thursday.

As part of the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office conducted saturation patrols in the communities of Fair Bluff, Cerro Gordo, Evergreen, and Chadbourn on Thursday (Feb. 8).  Sheriff Bill Rogers invited members of surrounding county sheriff’s offices, and local police from Columbus County to assit.

Among the agencies involved were Chadbourn and Fair Bluff police departments, and deputies from Brunswick and Robeson. Rogers said the goal was to deploy additional law enforcement to targeted roadways during select time periods to detect and apprehend violators in Columbus County, and to ensure compliance of the motor vehicle codes.

The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services provided the Blood Alcohol Testing (B.A.T.) Mobile during this event.  Deputies utilized this mobile unit to screen blood alcohol levels for suspected impairment. The BAT mobile also has a built-in magistrate’s office to book and process suspects, saving transport time during enforcement efforts.

The operation produced one driving while impaired violation, and also yielded a separate Methamphetamine seizure.

During a traffic stop the Sheriff’s Office drug-sniffing dog, K-9 Cooper, was deployed on the vehicle to conduct a “free air sniff”.  The canine gave a positive indication for narcotics in the vehicle. Deputies subsequently located an amount of methamphetamine along with paraphernalia.

Michael lee Canady (CCSo booking photo)
Michael Lee Canady (CCSO booking photo)

The driver of the vehicle, Michael Lee Canady, 31, was charged with possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was transported to Columbus County Detention Center where he received a $1,500.00 secured bond. Canady listed his address as 429 Ward St., Whiteville.

Deputies and officers also issued four violations for seat belts; two each for no insurance, driving while license revoked, and speeding; five miscellaneous drug violations; and 21 other traffic violations. Two wanted persons were also arrested.


Bat Mobile (CCSO photo)
The Blood Alcohol Testing (BAT) mobile operated by the state Dept. of Health and Human Services, Forensic Testing Branch. (CCSO photo)
About Jefferson Weaver 2688 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at