The Good News for March 29

Several of Columbus County's Vietnam veterans who attended Friday's event at the Memorial Park.
Several of Columbus County's Vietnam veterans attended Friday's event at the Memorial Park. (Submitted photo)

It’s shaping up to be a beautiful holiday weekend for sunrise services and family time. Temperatures are forecast to move into the 80s by Sunday, so get out there and enjoy it, as our Meteorologist Chris Cawley says.

Vietnam Veterans Day is today, March 29.  Several events are planned for our area.

The Traveling Wall will be in Whiteville today and Saturday at the Veterans Building, 1028 South Madison Street. The wall features the name of every North Carolina who died in the Vietnam war. Visitors are encouraged to take photos and make rubbings of the names. On Saturday there will be free hot dogs and drinks, exhibits, an original Vietnam era jeep, a POW cage and more at the Veterans Building from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

The Field of Flags is up at the Veterans Memorial Park in honor of Vietnam Veterans Day. Admission is free, and flags are available for purchase and display. The park is located at 6354 James B. White Hwy. South (U.S. 701), Whiteville.

A number of area Vietnam veterans and family members attended a special ceremony Friday at the Veterans Memorial Park. (Submitted photo)

The Veterans Park hosted  Vietnam veterans and their families Friday morning before the Field of Flags, as part of Vietnam Veterans Day. Among those attending was Peggy Newman, widow of Air Force Col. Jim Newman, a longtime supporter of the park. Col. Newman passed away last year.

The Veterans Memorial Park will also host an egg hunt, telling of the resurrection story, games and crafts for kids, and other activities Saturday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. All events are free. Onsite Photography will be offering photos with the Easter Bunny.

Easter Egg hunts at Tabor City School, West Columbus School, Elizabeth Brinkley Park at Lake Waccamaw, the  Hallsboro Community Park, and the Bolton Community Park will be Saturday at 10 a.m.

The Museum of Natural Sciences at Whiteville will host a dinosaur-themed egg hunt Saturday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Eggs will be hidden throughout the museum. If you find a GOLDEN egg, you can redeem it for ten percent off at the gift shop.

Also on Saturday, the Lake Waccamaw Methodist Women will hold an Easter bake sale at Hill’s Shopping center starting at 8:30 a.m. All proceeds go to local mission projects.

If you like to hunt Easter eggs, there are plenty of chances to do just that and enjoy some fellowship this weekend.

Nakina Pentecostal Holiness Church at 9745 Seven Creeks Highway will have an egg hunt, food, games and more Saturday from 10 until 2. Everyone is welcome.

Abundant Life Assembly of God is hosting a hunt Saturday starting at noon. There will be refreshments and more. Abundant Life is at 5384 James B. White Highway South, Whiteville.

New Life Community Church at 107 South Maultsby Street in Whiteville will have an Easter Sunrise Service Sunday at 6:30 a.m. The Easter service will include communion, a singing service, and regular morning worship at 10:30 a.m.

 The sheriff’s office is bringing back community watch. The program was being revamped when the pandemic hit in 2020. Contact Lieutenant Lakeisha Jordan at 910.317.6137.

Lunchtime trivia is set for April 2 at the Museum of Science in Whiteville. Bring your lunch and test your knowledge about the links between birds and dinosaurs. Lunchtime trivia for grownups is from 1220 until 1 p.m. Contact the Museum of Science for more information.

Gardeners, farmers and those who just love their lawns are encouraged to submit soil samples as soon as possible for testing by the State Department of Agriculture. Testing is highly recommended if soil has been fallow for two to three years, if compost has been added or other changes are planned. Look for this story on our website to use the link to find the soil testing process that’s best for you.

Volunteers are needed for the Spring Litter Sweep coming up April 13-27. The annual event recruits individuals, families and organizations to pick up litter along state roadways and other public places. The trash is then collected by DOT trucks. Bags, safety vests and gloves are available for free through the Department of Transportation. You can find out more at

Abe Branch Holiness Church will hold community day April 6. There will be barbecue, food and household supply boxes for anyone in need, a bouncy house, fun for the kids and more from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Abe Branch is in the Bryant’s Mill Pond community at 965 Marsh Rd., Bladenboro. Everyone is welcome.

West Columbus High School Endzone Club is raffling off a TV set in April. Proceeds go to new uniforms and annual team camps. Call 910.640.8921 or 910.840.2630. You can purchase through Venmo or CashApp or see any member of the club.

The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events. Give us a call at 910.914.6056, email, send us a message on Facebook, or drop by our office at 1015 South Madison in downtown Whiteville.

About Jefferson Weaver 2746 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at