The perennial softball matchup between East Columbus and Pender has never gone well for the Lady Patriots.
ECHS has beaten Pender eight out of the nine times they have met on the diamond since 2016. The Gators took down a strong Whiteville team on Friday, 10-5. Pender, on the other hand, racked up a 13-0 victory over James Kenan, easing some of the pain from their previous matchup, where JKHS topped the Patriots 10-4.
The Gators’ win Friday was their sixth at home, taking their record to eleven and three. Pender has fielded a better, more focused team this year than in seasons past, winning three of their last four for a record of eight and three overall.
Last week’s diamond battle with Pender ended with the Gators winning 10-4. The rematch is at 6 p.m. this evening at Pender.