This weekend is a good time to take a breath, relax a little, and get ready – there’s a lot going on in our community over the next week or so.
Saturday (April 20) is the barbecue fundraiser for cancer patient Linda Duke of Delco. Plates go on sale at 11 a.m. at Brown’s Outdoor Supply. There’s also a firearm raffle and more opportunities to help. Brown’s is located on U.S. 74-76 in Delco.
The N.C. Pecan Harvest Festival is now the N.C. Pecan MUSIC Festival. Whiteville Downtown development announced today that the annual event will now focus on free concerts and other activities. See this story online for more information.
Nationally known Christian musicians The Hoppers will be in concert Sunday at Western Prong Baptist Church, located on U.S. 701 between Whiteville and Clarkton. Service starts at 6 p.m.There is no admission charge.
The Waccamaw Siouan tribe are finally getting some recognition they deserve. A state historic marker with a brief history of the People of the Falling Star will soon be erected on N.C. 211 near the tribal grounds. The sign was placed earlier this month, but had to be returned due to errors.
Next door in Robeson County, the Buie Mound marker will be dedicated April 29. The Buie mound became a rallying point for indigenous people when highway engineers planned to develop over the site in the 1970s. Although it had been raided of many artifacts, and even human remains, it is now preserved and protected.
Misty Cribb was minding her own business the other day when she suddenly had to play cowgirl. A neighbor’s herd of beef cattle had broken the fence and were wandering the road near Miss Misty’s home. She successfully herded the wayward bovines back where they belonged., using her car instead of a horse. No word on whether she shouted “Yeehaw!”
Lebanon Methodist Church will hold revival on April 27 from 2-4 p.m. Speakers will be Colton Reeves and Devin Carroll. Hot dogs, chili, chips and drinks will be served after worship.
Iron Hill Baptist Church will hold a spring fling day of worship April 27 from 3-6 p.m. There will be food, live music, games and more. Iron Hill is located at 22247 Peacock Rd., Tabor City. Everyone is welcome.
Whiteville Police will host National Prescription Drug Takeback Day April 27 at Walgreen’s in Whiteville. Tablets, capsules, patches and other forms of prescription and non-prescription drugs can be dropped off for safe disposal. Illegal drugs will not be accepted. The event is from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Lake Waccamaw’s Gator Festival is coming up April 26-27, with music, vendors, all kinds of free activities for the kids and much more. There is still room for vendors, and sponsors are needed for children’s activities. Go to lakewaccamawnc.gov for more information.
Speaking of the lake and alligators – don’t feed the dinosaurs. As spring has warmed up and gators have come out in droves, more and more people are violating the law by trying to feed the alligators. They have more than enough to eat on their own, thank you very much. Wildlife and state Park officials warn that feeding gators can make them more comfortable around humans, and even make them aggressive. Some people have been rumored to be trying to catch baby gators for pets. Just watch, photograph and enjoy the big beasts. They aren’t made for pets.
The Columbus County Hurricane Expo is April 27 from 10 until 2 at the fairgrounds. Visitors can talk to first responders, learn how to prepare for emergencies, pick up some free resources, and learn where to find help during the recovery process. Call 622.4331 for more information. The event is free.
The Farmers Union Spring Fest Parade is April 27. Lineup is at 10 a.m. at 5862 Hallsboro Road North. After the parade festivities will take place at the E and G Spaulding Park, 819 Farmers Union Road. Call 910.918.6474.
The 15th annual Lake Waccamaw Ride benefitting the boys and girls home is May 4. The ride is sponsored by CVMA 15-13 Silver Coast chapter. Cost is $15 per rider and $10 per passenger. Go to boysandgirlshome.org for more information.
Also coming up at the home, May 11 is the Classy Cars and country cooking car show and food truck rodeo. Ten food trucks, classic cars, and live music will be featured from 11-3.
United Bank in Whiteville has partnered with the Carolyn’s Kaleidoscope Child Advocacy Center to collect needed supplies and donations. The top requested items are blankets and adult white t-shirts. Donations will be accepted at the Whiteville branch until May 31.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets Fridays at the Bolton Youth and Senior Center, 15354 Sam Potts Highway. Doors open at 8 p.m.
Chadbourn Baptist Church will be holding their bingo and pizza fundraiser for the youth program April 26 starting at 530. Two slices of pizza and a cookie are $5, and cards are $1 each. Prizes will be awarded, and all proceeds go to the youth program.
Fair Bluff’s Village Market is the first Saturday of every month on the Riverwalk. Crafters, produce vendors, yard salers and artisans of all kinds are welcome. Contact the chamber of commerce for more.
Lebanon Lodge Number 207 will host a charity bike ride April 27 starting at the lodge, 124 Pecan Street in Whiteville. Registration is 8 until 930 a.m., with kickstands up at 10. Cost is $20 per bike, and $10 for additional riders. This will be an escorted ride to Beach house Harley Davidson, with a hot dog lunch and rifle raffle in Whiteville. Proceeds benefit the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford.
Columbus Parks and Rec and the Lake Waccamaw State Park Friends will sponsor a swim clinic June 11-13 for children ages 6-12. Snacks will be provided, and parents are welcome. The clinic is free, and limited to 80 participants. Call 910.640.6624.
We always have room for your church news, civic club activities, pageant winners, festivals, birthday and anniversary events, little kids with big fish, Good Samaritan stories and just about anything that will make you smile. Email jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com, PM us on the Columbuscountynews Facebook page, call 910.914.6156, or just come by our office at 1015 South Madison Street in downtown Whiteville.