See related story elsewhere at columbuscountynews.com.
The Waccamaw Siouan people of Columbus County will soon have their own historic marker.
The move is part of a series of markers being erected by the N.C. Dept. of Transportation and Cultural Resources honoring Native Americans in the state, according to a press release.
Oher tribes being recognized are the Coharie, Haliwa-Saponi, Lumbee, Meherrin, Occaneechi Band of the Saponi, and Sappony. The state also approved markers for the site of the East Carolina Indian School and the Buie Mound site.
The N.C. American Indian Heritage Commission staff worked closely with N.C. tribes to complete applications to be considered for the historical marker program.
The Waccamaw marker will be placed near the intersection of N.C. 211 and Old Lake Road, according to a social media post by the tribe. The marker was briefly erected but had to be taken down for corrections.
When the marker is placed, the county will have three state historical markers. The other two are the route of Cornwallis’ Retreat near Riegelwood, and the Millie-Christine McKoy marker near Whiteville.