The Good News for June 7

CRHS will host three Safesitters Certification courses this summer.

This weekend —

Saturday is the big missions fundraiser in Tabor City. There will be barbecue and music at the Ritz Center. Plates are $10, and whole butts are $40. IOf you didn’t preoroder, you can pay with cash or check. There will be special music by the Nealeys, Jonboy Walton, Steve Orr and more. All proceeds go to the Nealeys foreign mission programs.

Yard salers and resellers are at the Columbus Community Farmers Market this Saturday. Next week is Old Fashion Farm Day, with tractors, equipment, traditional skill demonstrations and more. As always, you can find fresh eggs, produce, local dairy products, seafood, handmade jewelry and crafts. The market is located at 132 Government Complex Rd Whiteville.

Backyard poultry flocks are especially susceptible to HPAI. (NCDA photo)Saturday is the flock swap at Gurganus Farm store in Whiteville. All kinds of backyard birds and even livestock will be available to buy, sell or trade from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The flock swap is free. Gurganus is located in the Roses Hill Plaza on Madision Street in Whiteville. This is the last flock swap until September, due to the heat.

High school graduations continue Saturday, with Whiteville at 9 a.m., South Columbus at 10 a.m., and East at 2 p.m. Graduation at West Columbus was Friday at 6 p.m.  All ceremonies will also be livestreamed by the systems.

The Hallsboro Bogue community watch will have its first meeting Saturday at 2 p.m. at Mount Hebron AME Zion Church on Red Bug Road. All residents are invited to attend. Efforts are underway to restart the old community watch for the area.

The Clarkton Community Yard Sale is today rain or shine from 8 until noon at Traxx Chic Vintiques. There will be crafters, antiques, resellers, gently used treasures and much much more.

Milk B4 Meat Ministries will have home worship at 499 Honey Hill Rd., Hallsboro, on Sunday at 11 a.m. Jon Walton will also hold a sidewalk service June 15 at 2 p.m. on the Alley on Madison in Whiteville. Everyone is welcome. Bring a lawn chair.

Coming up soon

A dirty baseball

Signups are going on for the West Columbus Baseball camp June 17-19. Connor Grainger will lead the camp, which will focus on the basics of throwing, catching and hitting. Camp sessions will be 9 until noon daily, and lunch is provided. Preregistration is $65. Call 910.317.4962 or 910.918.8276 for information.

Peace Fellowship Church will have a booksale and storytelling lessons June 15 and 22. Hardbacks are $2 and soft covers $1. Thousands of books will be available. Proceeds go to the missions fund. The church is located at 5847 Red Hill Road, Whiteville.

Southeastern Community College is hosting a high school equivalency boot camp in June and July. Call 910.788.6401 for more information.

The Fair Bluff Senior Center is collecting “Purses With a Purpose” to help survivors of domestic violence. Gently used or new purses will be filled with basic personal hygiene products like hairbrushes, hand lotion, deodorant and other supplies for donation to Families first. Contact Summer Britt at 910.817.0001 to help.

The Veterans Memorial Park will hold a flag retirement ceremony June 14 at 7 p.m. at the park. Anyone with an American flag that is no longer serviceable is welcome to attend and have their flag properly retired. The park is located on U.S. 701 South of Whiteville.

The park is also looking for more photos for the Wall of Honor. Any veteran of any time period, reserve or active duty, peacetime or war, can have a photo on the wall. Currently the count is up to 1,400, but organizers hope to see even more in the future. Original photos will be scanned and returned to the family. Call Angela Norris at 910.840.3848 for more information.

Columbus County Partnership for Children is sponsoring the Summer Reading Adventure June 24 through July 22. It’s free for kids ages zero through five. Call 910.212.6352 to register.

Church news, civic club activities, pageant winners, Good Samaritans, birthday parties, awards, little kids with big fish – it’s all there in the Good News, and it’s always free. Email, message us on Facebook, or just come by the office at 1015 South Madison Street and visit a while.

About Jefferson Weaver 2671 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at