The suspect in a drug investigation near Chadbourn is no stranger to law enforcement.
Malik “Hatch” Billings, 26, has been arrested multiple times for narcotics and weapons charges.
He is currently being held under $75,000 secured bond on charges of trafficking in opiates, possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine and marijuana, maintaining a dwelling for drug activities, destroying evidence, drug paraphernalia and resisting. His address was listed as 120 E. Third Ave., Chadbourn.
The Narcotics Division, Special Operations and Chadbourn Police executed a search warrant on a Chadbourn home Aug. 13 after an extended investigation, the CCSO said in a press release.
Warrants show that Billings had a small quantity of cocaine, 47.7 grams of marijuana, between 14 and 28 grams of heroin, plastic baggies, scales, and a pill bottle in a home at 307 W. Holland Street, Chadbourn. He is also alleged to have attempted to “destroy” white powder that was determined to be cocaine.
On June 16, 2021, Chadbourn Police Billings and a female suspect at a “known drug house,” according to reports. Officers seized narcotics and firearms. One of the handguns was reported stolen.
In that case, Billings was held under $50,000 secured bond and Akeyha Jones under $3,500. Both were charged with multiple felonies, including possession of crack and powdered cocaine and possession of a stolen handgun. The property was described in court documents as a “known drug house.”