The Good News for Aug. 16


For some parents it’s that most wonderful time of the year – the beginning of the school year. There are a number of back to school events lining up in our area today and next week.

Back to School day at the Columbus County Farmers Market is this Saturday from eight until two. Bookbags and supplies will be handed out while they last. There will be pony rides, too. The market always has fresh produce, local meat and eggs, handmade items, jewelry and local artisan work. The market is located on Government Complex Drive in North Whiteville.

 Backpack Buddies for the new school year begins August 19 at the Columbus Baptist Association Office. Volunteers are needed to help fill bags for children who might not have good meals when they are away from school. The association office is on Thompson Street in Whiteville. Call 642. 2155.

CPHC Ministries is holding an all you can eat pancake breakfast Saturday at Highway 55 in Whiteville. Cost is $5, with all proceeds going to the upcoming mission trips to Costa Rica. You can eat in or take out. Highway 55 is located at 104 Columbus Corners Drive, Whiteville.

Today is the Tee It Up For Veterans Golf Tournament at Diamondback Golf Course (Woodland Valley) in Loris. All proceeds go to the Veterans Memorial Park of America Community Outreach Center. Spots are still open so  you can still get on the links. Call Angela Norris at 910.840.3848.

Southeastern Community College will hold extended fall registration August 19 from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m.  Classes begin August 20.

Transformation Church and MilkB4 Meat Ministries will host its second annual Night of Praise September 21. There will be music and a special message by Pastor Heath Connor of Emerson Original Free Will Baptist church. The service will be at 6354 James B. White Hwy. South of Whiteville. Everyone is welcome. Transformation meets at 10 a.m. every Sunday in the Lebanon fellowship hall.

Brett Baxley has joined the Lake Waccamaw Police Department. Baxley formerly served with the Highway Patrol and the sheriff’s office. His presence on the force brings the department up to full strength for the first time in several years.

Mayor Matt Wilson said Thursday that Lake Waccamaw suffered no long lasting effects from the tropical storm. As summer winds down, he said it’s a good time to go swimming, fishing, boating or hiking at the Lake. Mayor Wilson said that the lake is definitely open for business. Visit our friend Lynn Hinnant’s place while you’re there. He has bait, snacks and cold drinks available right on the lake front.

We’re still more than a month out, but National Disability Employee Awareness Month is coming up in October. The state Division of Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities – formerly known as Vocational Rehabilitation – will be observing the month by spotlighting employees who overcome their mental and physical challenges to join the workforce. The state agency’s office in Whiteville works with clients of all skill levels to help them meet personal goals. Call the DEIPD at 910.788.5200 to find out more.

Food trucks are needed for Family Fur Day August 31 at the Columbus County Fairgrounds. Sponsored by Columbus Animal Protective Services, you can enjoy games, a petting zoo, and adoptable animals from the shelter. This is the third year for the event. Call 910.641.3945 for more information.

The fourth annual Columbus County Partnership for children golf tourney is September 27 at Vineland Golf Course. It’s the first time the group will host the event at Vineland. Call 910.642.8226 for registration and sponsorship information.

 For our Good Samaritans this week, we want to talk about the firefighters who were standing by during Hurricane Debby. There were volunteers at the ready at nearly every station in the county. From blocking flooded roadways and moving trees to water rescues, these men and women took time away from their families during a tropical storm to be ready to help their neighbors. I’m casting no slights on any of our first responders. I’m just asking you to thank a firefighter today.

We always have room for your church announcements, civic club news, special events, birthdays, pageant winners, celebrations, Good Samaritans, little kids with big fish and anything else that makes you smile. There is never a charge for sharing your news at Columbus County News Dot com. Email, call 910.914.6056, or just drop by our office at 1015 South Madison street, Whiteville. We love visitors.


About Jefferson Weaver 2682 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at