The Good News for Sept. 27

For the second week in a row, we’ve seen some rough weather in our area. Thankfully the rest of the weekend should be lovely, if a bit more like midsummer than early fall. Get outside and enjoy it.

Area first responders are en route to western North Carolina to assist in relief efforts there. Hurricane Helene brought 29 inches of rain in some places, leading to catastrophic flooding. The hurricane relief scams are already at work, so make sure you do your due diligence so you know you’re truly helping those in need.

Sept. 28 events:

  • Saturday is the Brunswick Stew festival at the county fairgrounds. Sample some of the best interpretations of this classic dish throughout the day. It’s a good way to get warmed up for the Columbus County Agricultural Fair, whioch will be coming to town next week. We’ll have much more on the fair on air and online this week.

  • Saturday is also the Faith in Motion Car, Truck and Tractor show at the Veterans Memorial Park. Entry fee is $25, and spectators get in free. Awards will be handed out at 3 p.m. There will be food, entertainment and family fun all day long. At 5:30 p.m., the Second Annual Night of Praise kicks off. Sponsored by Milk Before Meat Ministries and Transformation church, the program will feature the Oxendines, praise bands from four area churches, special speakers and more.
    Admission is free, but be sure to bring a chair.

In other good news —

  • Whiteville City Schools will be back in class Monday as a makeup day after Friday’s storm. Monday was originally set aside for a teacher workday.
  • West Columbus will holds its athletic steak dinner fundraiser Tuesday. Contact any booster for more information and tickets.
  • Whiteville Police Sgt. Chuck Arnold recently suffered a severe brain bleed while on duty. He is currently in Novant New Hanover and will be hospitalized for an extended period of time. WPD is asking for donations to assist Sgt. Arnold and his wife over the next several weeks. Donations are being accepted by CashApp and Venmo. You can also donate at the Whiteville Police Department (117 E. Columbus St, Whiteville N.C. 28472).


  • St. Paul AME Zion Church on Moneyhole Road in Fre.eman has a food pantry every Thursday at noon. Everyone is welcome.

Coming up soon:

  • It may only be September, but it’s not too early to be planning your Halloween costume. Downtown Whiteville will once again host its adult costume party at Vineland Station on Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. Cost is $20 for adults 21 and over. There will be prizes awarded for the best individual and couples costumes.


  • Transformation Church will hold a Boston butt sale Oct. 5. Cost is $25. All proceeds go to the building fund. Contact JonBoy Walton or Rae Lennon via Facebook.
  • A benefit breakfast and lunch will be held for Michael Hardin Oct. 5 at Macedonia Church in Evergreen. Sausage wraps, hotdogs and baked goods will be available starting at 6 a.m. The church is located at 6791 Princess Ann Road, Evergreen.


  • Western Prong Baptist Church will have homecoming and dinner on the grounds Oct. 13. Morning services are held each week at 8:30 and 10: 30. Dinner will be served after the late service.
  • Braille resources are now available for blind children at Columbus County Smart Start. The Early Learning Family and Resource Center worked with the school system to make available materials ranging from learning aids to a free Braille book distribution program. Call 910-642-8226 for more information.

We always have room for your church announcements, civic club news, special events, birthdays, pageant winners, celebrations, Good Samaritans, little kids with big fish and anything else that makes you smile. There is never a charge for sharing your news at Columbus County News Dot com. Email, call 910.914.6056, or just drop by our office at 1015 South Madison street, Whiteville. We love visitors.

About Jefferson Weaver 2678 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at