A shoplifting call turned into a life-changing mission and an award for a Whiteville Police lieutenant.
Lt. Thomas Riggins was honored with a Chief’s Commendation Award by WPD Chief Doug Ipock on Tuesday at Whiteville City Council.
Riggins was the responding officer to a larceny call at the Northfield Food Lion, Ipock explained. The suspect in the case was allegedly stealing rolls of duct tape.
During the investigation, Ipock said, Riggins discovered that the man was shoplifting the tape for medical purposes.
“…he did not have the means to buy supplies to care for his colostomy bag,” Ipock said. “The gentleman had been washing and reusing a bag and needed the tape to secure the bag to his body.
“Instead of just charging the man and moving on with his day, Lt. Riggins went above and beyond the call of duty and located resources to help the man.”
Ipock explained that Riggins contacted Cassie Dawson, a nurse with Donayre Cancer Center, and Dawson stepped up to help.
She was able to provide education for this gentleman, provide him with food pantry items and personal care, and provide a $100 gift card,” Ipock said. “Most importantly, Cassie was able to get this gentleman an appointment with a surgeon for an evaluation.”
The surgeon determined that the colostomy – which the man had dealt with for five years – could be reversed.
“I will be able to be a normal person again,” the man told Dawson. “I have dealt with this thing for five years and you have no idea how depressing it is to have this thing on your side. If it was not for you and Lt. Riggins this would never have been possible.”
Ipock praised Riggins for taking a different route than arrested and charging the man with shoplifting.
“Lt. Riggins desire to excel and (his) devotion to the community her serves reflected great credit upon himself and the Whiteville Police Department, and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the law enforcement profession,” Ipock said.