Fonvielle to Discuss Legendary Ride

Chris E. Fonvielle Jr. (Photo by Daniel Ray Norris.)

Polly Slocumb’s nightmare about the battle of Moores Creek is memorialized on a marker at the National Battlefield Park in Currie – but did it happen?

Historian Chris Fonvielle will discuss Polly Slocumb’s ride through the night to warn her husband at Saturday’s meeting of the southeastern Genealogy Society. The group meets at 2 p.m. at Whiteville Missionary Alliance Church, 623 Warrior Trail, Whiteville.

The story goes that Polly Slocumb had a nightmare about the death of Lt. Ezekial Slocumb at the Battle of Moore’s Creek. The dream was so vivid she saddled a horse and rode from Dobbs County to Lt. Slocumb’s camp in Pender County, supposedly in one night. The ride was memorialized in a granite marker in 1907.

Fonvielle discusses the story in his new book, More Curious Tales of Old Wilmington and the Lower Cape Fear.

The public is welcome to attend the event. While the meeting begins at 2 p.m., members often arrive early to share family history.

About Jefferson Weaver 2688 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at