Starting at 10 a.m. Saturday is the Pecan Harvest Music Festival in Downtown Whiteville. Festivities are centered around Vineland Station. There will be live bands, food vendors, and more all day and into the evening.
Also on Saturday is the Columbus County Farmer’s Market. Fresh produce, local eggs, arts and crafts, unique gifts and more can be found at the market every Saturday from 8 until 2 p.m. The Market Bistro makes a good lunch, too. Head out there and support the local farmers, vendor and artisans.
Saturday is the big tree giveaway at Riegelwood Baptist Church. The Cape Fear Alliance for Trees and International Paper are sponsoring the event. A variety of local-hearty trees are available on a first come first served basis. The event is from 930 until noon or while supplies last.
Secondhand Smiles and Delightful Do Dads is hosting their open house Saturday in Fair Bluff. The new business is located at 981 Main Street, Suite 100 in the new Fair Bluff Business Center. The store promises a unique selection that makes every visit a treasure hunt. They’re open from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Renowned historian Chris Fonvielle will be the next speaker at the Southeastern Genealogical Society on Nov. 9. While Fonvielle is best known for his books about the War Between the States in southeastern North Carolina, he’ll be delving into the Midnight Ride of Polly Slocumb and the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge from his newest book, More Curious Tales From Old Wilmington and the Lower Cape Fear.
He explores the legend behind Polly Slocumb’s ride from Dobbs County to warn her husband of the impending battle in Pender County. Her famous ride is immortalized in a monument at Moore’s Creek – but did the ride actually happen?
The event is free. The society meets at Whiteville Missionary Alliance Church, 623 Warrior Trail, Whiteville at 2 p.m. on Nov. 9, but some members arrive early to share family history.
Hallsboro Baptist Church will host a veterans recognition service and reception Nov. 9. Veterans from across the county are welcome to attend. The program begins at 2 p.m., and coffee and desserts will be served afterward in the fellowship hall. The church is located at 546 Hallsboro Road North. Call 910.646.3283 for more information.
The county veterans parade is Nov. 9 at 11 a.m. in Downtown Whiteville. For more information go to columbusco.org.
There’s a big concert coming up Nov. 16 in Delco, and it’s for a good cause. Graham Farms and Collins Productions will host a benefit concert for the Hurricane Helene flood victims in western North Carolina. There will be live music, food, and vendors. The concert starts at 1 p.m. at 2424 Bertha Drive. Cash and supply donations will be accepted.
Donations are still being accepted for victims of Hurricane Helene, although the needs lists have shortened. General donations can be dropped off at any Black’s Tire location.
The Columbus Baptist Association office is ONLY accepting cash donations to help fund operations and buy heaters. The CBA needs volunteers to help pack 500 brand new coats Saturday. Volunteers with irons are needed. Contact the Columbus Baptist Association for more information.
The Sheriff’s Office is no longer accepting general donations. If you would like to donate a generator, heater, chainsaw or chains, call the CCSO at 642.6551.
Grace Episcopal Church in Whiteville is sponsoring a Red Cross blood drive Tuesday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Participants will be eligible for a drawing for a gift basket from Waccamaw Gifts. The church is located at 105 S. Madison Street, Whiteville.
It’s turkey shoot season again. Transformation Church will host their shoot every Friday and Saturday night at 6 p.m. at 9955 James B. White Highway South. Hot dogs and drinks will be available. Cost is five dollars per shot, with all proceeds going to the church building fund. Remember to let us know when and where you are hosting a shoot, so we can get it on our schedule.
Thanks for joining us today for the Good News. We always have room for your church announcements, community events, pageant winners, civic club news, little kids with big fish, Good Samaritans, volunteer opportunities – anything that will brighten someone’s day, there’s room for it on the Good News, and it’s always free. Email jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com, hit us up on Facebook, call 910.914.6156, or just drop by our office at 1015 S. Madison Street, Whiteville. We love visitors.