News Briefs for December 2
County commissioners tonight will vote on what may be the strongest regulations in the state on vape and tobacco stores. The county ordinance will strictly limit the location of any store with 25 percent of its sales coming from vapes, THC products, or KRA-Tom. The board will also swear in five members, and vote on a new chairman. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed on the county website or attended in person.
Jamurie Graham is being held under no bond after allegedly shooting one person in Chadbourn. He faces four charges of firing into an occupied dwelling and one of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill.
Tabor City’s Parade and Christmas Events start Thursday at 6 p.m. There will be the lighting of the Community Christmas tree, chicken bog bowls for sale, and right after the parade there will be the Tinseling Tabor Bazaar. Bundle up and enjoy!