Laverne Coleman and Chris Smith replaced Rickey Bullard and Giles “Buddy” Byrd as chair and vice chair of the county commissioners Monday.
The move came after Coleman, Byrd, Bullard and Smith were sworn in for their new terms of office. The swearings-in took place in the restored courthouse, with Rep. Brenden Jones administering the oaths of office.
Bullard has been chair for four years, and Commissioner Barbara Featherson made a motion to continue with Bullard and Byrd in the top two slots. The motion received a second from Byrd. Byrd, Bullard and Featherson voted in favor of the motion, while Brent Watts, Scott Floyd, Coleman and Smith voted against. Watts then made a motion, seconded by Floyd, for Coleman and Smith. All commissioners except Featherson voted in favor of the new leadership.
Bullard immediately stood up from his chair at the commissioners’ table, shook Coleman’s hand and exchanged seats. Coleman thanked Bullard for his time as chair, and thanked the board for their support.
Byrd congratulated Coleman and Smith, and urged the board to consider returning to the former practice of rotating the chair and vice chair among all the board, to provide all commissioners with “the experience” of leading meetings and other responsibilities.
Bullard was chair during some of the most tumultuous times on the commission. He was chair when Jody Greene was elected sheriff, stepped down, was reelected, then forced out of office and replaced by Bill Rogers. Bullard was also chair when Eddie Madden was hired as county manager, and a number of financial discrepancies were brought to light from previous administrations.
The courthouse restoration, several major school projects and the Provalus project in Whiteville also happened during his tenure as board chair.