Julius Odell Lennon

December 26, 1955 ~ December 29, 2024 (age 69)
Mr. Julius Odell  Lennon passed on December 29, 2024.
Funeral services will be held on Saturday, Jan. o4, 2025 at 1:00 pm at St. Luke AME Zion Church, 410 MLK Drive, Bladenboro, NC
Pastor Leo Clemmons eulogist.  Burial will follow in the Brooklyn Memorial Garden, Bladenboro, NC.  Viewing will be held on Friday, January 03, 2025 from 1 till 6 pm in the funeral home chapel.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.  Judith Alfreda Lennon; children,  Carlton Sykes, Celeste Lennon, India Lennon, Regina Hester;  grandchildren; Ronald Hester, Jr., Shanyla Hunter, Ambriana Sykes, Avion Sykes, Demi Sykes, Noah Russell and Gabriel Russell;  Siblings;  Marjorie Singletary ( James), Shelia Ann Grady,  Nanette Marie Lennon and Chante Lennon.