Inmate Finds Handgun Parts

A road crew picking up trash along Pine Log Road Monday found part of a handgun, a sheriff’s report said.

Cpl. Z. Morris of the sheriff’s office responded to the call in the 2000 block just before noon. The inmate crew from the Columbus County Detention Center was collecting trash form the roadside when one of them found the slide and barrel from a Taurus G23 handgun.

A records check showed the parts had not been reported stolen, the report said. The slide and barrel were retained for destruction by the sheriff’s office.

The crew works through the Statewide Misdemeanor Confinement Program (SMDP). The sheriff’s office reported that last year, inmates collected 4,780 bags of trash from 277.25 miles of county roads. Participating inmates must be serving 90 days or more in county jails. Only inmates convicted of non-violent misdemeanor offenses may participate.

About Jefferson Weaver 2657 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at