April 4, 1973 ~ December 30, 2024 (age 51)
Willie Ralph Womble, Jr., age 51, of 47 Hill Lane, Whiteville NC, died Monday, December 30, 2024, at Columbus Regional Healthcare System.
Time has been set aside by the family for those who wish to come and express their condolences, while paying homage to Willie, beginning on Thursday, January 9, 2025 from 12noon to 1pm in the main chapel of Majestic Funeral Homes’ Elizabethtown location.
Services to remember Mr. Womble will be held immediately following viewing at 1pm also at Majestic Funeral Home in Elizabethtown, NC. During these “so-long” events, those in attendance will be able to bring some sense of closure during this moment of sadness, while relying on their faith in the Master to see them through the difficult days that lie ahead.
Majestic Funeral Home.