News Briefs for February 9, 2025
A fight between brothers sent one man to jail and another to the hospital Thursday night. Hermilo Guitterez fled from deputies but was captured in a cornfield. He allegedly beat and stabbed Jorge Nunez at a home on Birchbark Lane.
North Carolina could become the 30th state in the union to allow constitutional carry of firearms. Senator Danny Britt of Robeson County has co-authored a bill that would do away with the requirement for a concealed carry permit. North Carolina already allows open carry of handguns for legal gun owners.
The N.C. Pesticide Board announced Friday that it had settled a case against a local crop duster. (Columbus) Hugh Cundiff, a licensed aerial pesticide applicator apprentice for Moore’s Aerial Applicators, was fined $1,200 because an application targeted at a farm field in Columbus County drifted onto a nearby road and residential yard.